Chapter 40

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Lixar and Zarcar find Torrent and Rey. Without me. I stay in my Moon Tower, in my female mortal form, with Andoll hovering beside me as I make a spell around a locket on a chain. I crush beetles and worms with a stone, reciting a heart felt spell for the locket, while bathed in moonlight on the rooftop, "Hidden from sight, hidden from the veil and hidden from Lucifer, the dark king who holds the crown. Andoll. Your safe place," I hope up the locket.

Andoll touches it, and her soul is sucked inside. I close it shut and put it around my neck, "You'll be safe and warm in there, it's a forest that I made to rest," I speak to my chest and the chain, " might be a small paradise, but you can hide safely while the war ends. I will never let you die, Andoll. You're my best friend, in all this. You've helped me, you've helped everyone. You tried to save my friends before they were burnt at the stake. Now they to, traverse as spirits. Whatever Zarcar did, he didn't let them truly die that day," they were ghosts, protecting the city from the Surge of Hemon, "I'm doing the same for you, Andoll. Now. Dawn is coming," I look up to the orange sky, "I need to speak with the men. Rey. Zar. Lix. And Torrent. He'll be the death of me..." I nearly choke up as I hold a hand to my chest and I let out a shaky breath before I wipe away my tears.

Be strong.

I had to be strong.

Lucifer's bargain was my priority. I had to befriend Torrent. I had to push Zarcar away. I had to make it clear, my interests lay elsewhere now.

I shift into my Draconess and I pick up the locket with a talon as I fly.

I fly to the Red Castle, swooping over the Red Courtyard of Roses and then back around. They aren't here.

By the front gates of the city, come quick. Fly low. Chyronex. The Surge is approaching, Lixar speaks for me, where the hell have you been the last two hours?

Crying in my Moon tower. Crying it all out before I faced this different reality. A new path. I had to break up my first ever Venatores.

I could not stray from the bargain, lest Lucifer steals Andoll back, to torture her for eternity. No way. I wouldn't let it happen. My first Venatores was my responsibility. Andoll was my responsibility. No one else was on death row, so she came first right now.

I also wasn't in the mood to talk about war. I had the talons, teeth and the mystical strength to lead and rip the Surge apart. No matter the blood, no matter the injuries. I would be a commander leading a special force. Rey, Zar, Lix, maybe Torrent... they could work out the details before hand. I couldn't care less right now about discussing anything with any of them.

I needed the time alone. Even if the timing was off. I needed the time or I wouldn't be able to face Zar without breaking.

However, my time for mourning was up. The full Surge was coming now, so now I had to participate. Every other moment tonight, I had stolen for myself. Andoll had kept me company, but in the end, my tears of sorrow turned into tears of feigned strength. I spelled a simple locket, a place to keep Andoll safe.

That was my first strategic move. Now, the war needed to be won.

Guys. I'm on my way, where is Zar's army? I ask, looking for our own soldiers.

Torrent's going to annihilate the Surge on his own, Lixar says, uncertainly, Just come quickly. You'll understand from the gates. We're on the highest turret, overlooking the river and the coming Surge. They have no idea that Torrent awaits them behind these walls.

I see you, I whisper it, it's a little bit gut wrenching to see Zarcar standing on the turret at the forefront, next to his older brother. Rey stands on Zarcar's other side. Lixar waits at the back for me, holding my gaze, nodding at me as I swoop in closer.

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