Part 13

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After call.

All look Gauri curiosly

Om:What happened?

G:Woo Ji it's from hospital. I want to go Delhi.

Sh:Delhi?for what​

G:There has a doctor's meeting.

Bh:But did Tmrow Dadi's Birthday. Then how can you go?

G:Haa Bhavya but I have no option.

Ha:Chutki there are many doctors in our hospital. You tell someone to attend the meeting.

G:But Pappa It's all India hospital owners meeting. It's a important meeting. If I didn't attend the meeting it definitely effected our hospital's name& reputation.

Pi:But Betta it's Maaji's first B'day after her grandsons marriege.

G:Haa chotimaa I also think that. Meeting is tmrw is meeting. I can only came back evng in day after noon.

Ru: That means?

G:(sadly) I can't attend the function..

Da: It's ok Betta. We all how you sinciere in ur job.Don't worry you go.

Te:Haa dear. You go and attend.

G:Thank you all.

Me:When you leave?

G: After breakfast Maa.


Gauri look om for permission he look at her. But didn't say anything.After dinner all went to their works. Rikara in Room


Rikara room

Gauri trying to convince her Jadadhari who stood near the window with his anger.

Ga: Omkaraji pls Meri bath suno.

Om:No Gauri. You hear what Chotti maa said this is Dadi's frst Birthday after our marriage. You know how much I exited for this. But u going to delhi.

G: Omkaraji it's very important

Om: Important than our family, me ?
You know what in this special occasion All Oberoi men's are Celebrate with their partner. My father In law too. But look at me here I'm Celebrate alone. My partner going leave me alone in this function.

G:What are you saying Omkaraji.

Om:You go anywhere. Don't talk to me.

He Angrily went out from the room.Leaving hurt Gauri behind.

G:(in mind) I know Omkaraji u are hurt. But pls understand how much importance my presents there.Mere liye you are more important than anything in the world.(naughty) Don't Worry hubby I know you can't stay so long without talking to me.Just wait and watch... I LOVE YOU'HUBBY

Gauri bidbye all of them and went to Delhi

**********End of part 13**********

Sorry for the late and short update.I already told you about my problem.

Sorry it's a boring update...

Precape: Birthday

Love you all
Syamasree 💜

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