Chapter 23

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"What the fuck?"
Jeff slowly opened his eyes.

Finally, it had been almost two hours, but now he was awake.

"Jeff, sweetheart? Could you wake up Vodka? It's almost time for her to eat again."

Jeff put his hand to his head, still probably feeling pain from his injury.
"What the fuck happened?"

He sat up on the bed and looked around confused.
I took a few steps closer to the bed.
"You got drunk and passed out. Now can you please wake up Vodka?"

"Why don't you wake her up?" He spat

I rolled my eyes then looked away.

Jeff got up and hissed in pain.
"You fucking stabbed me, bitch!"

"No sweetie, you got hurt."

Jeff growled, then made his way to Vodka's crib.

I went into the kitchen and continue to make dinner. While I was minding my own business, I felt something sharp on my throat.

"What did you do?" Jeff growled

I began to laugh.
"What's wring Jeff?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" Jeff dug the knife a little deeper creating a cut.

I laughed
"She's gone. And guess what?"
I turned around and looked him in the eye
"There's nothing you can do about"

Jeff threw his knife on the ground and pinned me to the floor while both of his hands were on my neck. However, I didn't care. I continued laughing.

"Go ahead kill me!" I yelled

"Why would you do that to our daughter?"

"That thing wasn't my daughter. I gave you my entire life and you... you took it and broke it. I don't give a shit if you kill me, but I wanted to have the last laugh. The last fuck you. I killed her because you loved her and I knew that it would kill you to not have her. At the end of the day, I'm a monster, just like you."

Jeff let go of my throat then buried his face into his hands.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" I asked
Was Jeff the killer crying?

He began to chuckle and slowly that chuckle turned into a hysterical laugh.
"No. I want to make sure you suffer for the rest of your life with me."

Before I could do anything Jeff ran into the room and locked it.
I was confused.
Did I lose?

I tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. I could hear laughing form the other side but then it suddenly stopped.
Complete silence.
What was I to do?
I didn't have anywhere to go.
This wasn't part of the plan. The plan was for him to kill me, yet I'm still here.  Alone, yet again.


•Two Weeks Later•

Waking up, stealing food, cleaning the house, and putting food in front of Jeff's room was a daily routine. Until today. Today I was awakened by the smell of something awful. Rotting?
I got up from the couch and began to look around. The stench seemed to be coming from Jeff's room.
To my surprise the door was open. As I was about to walk in a tall lanky man hovered over me.


Without saying a word the man grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.
I didn't put up a fight, I was confused and I didn't know what to do.

Once we were far enough from the cabin he stopped and let go of my arm. We stood there in the middle of the forest.

I still had not seen his face the long black strands of hair covered his face perfectly.

I walked over to him and moved the strands away so I could see his face.
I wasn't sure what I was expecting.
His face was paler than usual and his smile didn't look like it had been cut. The wounds were slowly healing up again.

I felt bad?
My stupid thoughts always get me into trouble. I shouldn't feel bad for him. He's a heartless jerk.
How could I feel bad for him?
After all the shit he has put me through, I still loved him?

Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his hoodie. I didn't realize how much I had missed him.
He smelled awful but at that moment I didn't care.
If I could I would change everything from the past. From the day I first met him. But at this very moment I didn't care.

I felt Jeff's hand on my head gently petting me.

This was love.

"You'll obey every single word I say. Understood, dolly?"

I looked at him. His voice was raspier than normal.
Letting Jeff take control of my life was what got me here in the first place, but I was willing to trust him again. This time it was different. This time I did t have to worry about a child. This time, I only had Jeff. It was just him and I.


"Good. We're leaving. We're never coming back here again. We aren't having anymore kids. When I ask you to kill someone, you will do it no questions asked. And you will love no one but me."

"I understand."

He gave me his knife and looked at me.
"Do it."

I knew exactly what he was referring to.
I dug the knife into his cheeks creating the perfect smile. He didn't flinch, he just stood there as the blood gushed out. Once I was done, I licked the blood off the knife. I dug the knife into my cheeks creating the same smile.
I stung. There was so much blood dripping down and staining my dirty shirt.
I looked at Jeff. I was madly in love all over again.  It was like nothing in the past had happened or mattered.
He grabbed and handful of my hair and pulled me into a kiss. His other hand was wrapped around my waist as I let his bloody tongue slip inside my mouth, even though it hurt.

"Let's go my little freak show"

"Where to, my beautiful nightmare?"

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