Chapter 2

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I ran up to Jeff pulling him into an embrace.
"I-I missed you so much"

To my surprise he pushed me off him. LJ grabbed my arm pulling me away from him.

"Where the hell were you?!" Jack asked

"I was in town trying to prove that Jeff does exist"

Jack's grip on my hand tighten.
I looked a Jeff waiting for him to say something, anything.
But instead Jack spoke up.
"Sorry about her. She's insane."

"No! I'm not! Jeff you remember me right?!"

He had an apathetic attitude.
Jeff looked at LJ and chuckled
"Have you tried sending her to mad house?"

My heart shatter.
LJ gave him a death glare.
"Get the fuck out before I call the police"

Jeff turned away, he was about to leave but I quickly stopped him by blocking his way.

"Where are you going?" I asked

"That's none of your business kid"
He walked around me but I blocked him again.

"Why did you leave me?"

He suddenly pushed me to the ground.
"What the fuck are you talking about? I don't even know you"
He walked away into the darkness leaving me alone, again.

I got up and shook the dirt off my pants.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Jack spat

"You fucking lied to me! You told me you didn't know Jeff!"

"I didn't! Until today."

I gave him a confused look

"I saw him sneaking around the show so I told him that he couldn't be here" he explained

"Do you really expect me to believe all that crap?!"

"You can believe it or not but it's the truth"

I scoffed
"Explain to me how the man I dreamt is all of a sudden real?!"

Jack pinched the bridge of his nose
"I don't know. Dreams can be weird. Maggie always had dreams that could predict the future"

"So you're saying that what I dreamt is going to come true?!"

"No! That's not what I meant. What I meant to say is that dreams are weird. Period. There's nothing more to talk about. I don't want to hear another word about that dream."

"But Jeff-"

Suddenly everything was quiet, the only sound you could hear was our breaths.
LJ gave me another stern look, then he walked away.

I felt sick, angry, sad, and confused. I know they're up to something, I just couldn't figure out what.

I went back into my tent trying to figure out what was going on.
"Knock knock. Can I come in" Bobo asked


Bobo walked into my tent.
"Hey I just came by to see if you wanted some extra blankets, it's going to get cold tonight"


He threw me a blanket and I caught it.


He smiled
"No problem y/n. Goodnight-"


"What's wrong?" he asked

"Can I ask you something"


"Would you ever lie to me?" I asked

He looked a little nervous at first but then he seemed relax.
I knew he knew something.

"Never" he replied

I walked up to him
"Are you sure?"

I saw his hands shaking
"I would never lie to you"

I had him just where I wanted.
I began to laugh.
"You know it's funny, I've known you my whole life and I have never seen what you look like without your makeup."

He chuckled nervously
"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all. I just wonder what's under all that white makeup. A liar? A traitor? A foe?"

"Y/n please-"

"NO! I want answers and I want them now!" I growled

"What are you-"

"Don't act stupid. I know you know something. You either tell me now or I'll have to make you tell me"

"I have no idea what you're talking ab-"

I tackled him then pinned him to the ground.
"I don't want to hurt you"

"You don't have to" he said with pleading eyes

"Then tell me"

He shook his head
"There's n-nothing to tell"

I laughed
"I warned you"
I took off my hoodie then I covered his face with it, making sure he couldn't breathe.
It took a while but after a minute or two he finally passed out.

With all the effort I had I picked him up and placed him on a chair. I tied him to the chair making sure he couldn't escape.
I also grabbed everything I needed to torture the clown. I didn't want to hurt him but I was desperate.
I know that the events that I experienced happened I just wanted someone else to agree with me. I'm not crazy I'm just a girl trying to seek the truth.

"Where am I?" Bobo asked

My smile grew wider. Finally, he's awake.

"It doesn't matter where you are, just answer the question. Did LJ lie to me about the 'dream' I had?"

"Please don't make me-"


His eyes began to swell up and his whole body was shaking.
He shook his head 'no'

"Please I don't want to hurt you but I need answers and I need them now."

I waited a couple of seconds but he still didn't reply.
I grabbed some duck tape and covered his mouth.
I didn't want anyone to hear.
I grabbed some salt and poured it on my left hand. After that I went to go get the ice from the freezer.
On my left hand I had salt and on my right I had two ice cubes.
I sat in front of Bobo.

"I don't want to do this but..."
I placed the two ice cubes on my left hand and I squeezed them. I didn't feel a thing but Bobo began to scream.
After a while I let go of the ice.

"Are you ready to tell me the truth?"

Bobo looked away.
Part of me enjoyed watching him scream and struggle but it also hurt me to see him in pain.

I grabbed a boiling pot of water.
"If you don't tell me I will dump this on your head."

His eyes grew wider with panic.


"I was interrupted by his muffled screams"

I set the water down then I took the tape off his mouth.

"LJ did lie to you!"

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