Chapter 13

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I couldn't believe it. MY Jeff was kissing another girl. All those times he went away, he was going to visit HER.

Why am I so mad? He hurt me, and I shouldn't care about him.

The girl kissed back as she pushed Jeff on the couch.
"I'm so happy you're here" she said while panting.

"I've needed you so much" Jeff said

I felt my heart shatter. It made me sick seeing them together. Why were they so happy?

I couldn't see what was going on but I saw her clothes being thrown to the opposite side of the room. The girl began moaning Jeff's name.

"Riley... I l-love y-you" Jeff groaned

I felt tears stream down my face. It's been months since Jeff has said that to me.
Did he really mean it?
I grabbed the metal baseball bat. I hated Jeff so much, more than anyone else in the world, but I wasn't going to let this bitch fucking replace me.
I opened the closet door and I walked towards the couch, with the baseball bat in my hands. Since she was on top it was going to be easy to get rid of her.
I aimed for her head and with all the anger I had I bashed the bat against her head.
The girl screamed as she fell on the floor.
Good. She's not dead... yet.
I swung the bat and continued hitting her in the face. After the first couple of hits she had passed out but it didn't matter, I continued to hit her in the face. I could hear some of her bones crack, her nose was bloody  and her face was badly bruised.
Stupid fucking bitch messed with the wrong girl.
When I was done, the girl's naked body laid lifeless on the floor.

"Jealous much?"

I turned around to meet the insane killer on the couch with his clothes back on. His stupid smile was pissing me off.
I gripped the bat tighter.
"You son of a bitch"

I swung the bat but before I had the chance to hit his face he grabbed the baseball bat.
"You don't want to do that"

I laughed mockingly
"I DO want to. I HATE you. I gave you my life and this is what I get?! You leave for days just to be with this whore!"

"I love it when you get mad at me"

In a instant I punched him in the face.
His nose started bleeding.

"You bitch!"
He tackled me then pinned me to the ground.
Instead of pushing him off me I began to laugh. Seeing his own blood on his face felt good.

"What's so funny?" Jeff asked

"Your disgusting face" I spat

Jeff growled then wrapped his hands around my neck.

"Do it! I fucking dare you!" I yelled.

Suddenly his lips crashed onto mine.
Resist. I must resist.
My eyelids felt heavy. What's happening to me?
Don't do it.
Don't kiss back.
With all the strength I had I kicked him in the stomach.

"Cunt" he growled in pain
He got off of me while holding his stomach.
I grabbed one of the cushions from the couch then I tackled Jeff to the floor.

"Go to sleep!" I spat
I put the cushion over his face.
For once in my life I felt powerful.
I could feel Jeff struggling to get up.
Sadly, my happiness came to an end. I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I looked at my leg and saw a knife.

"You piece of dog shit!"

I took the knife out of my leg, as blood dripped everywhere.
Before I could do anything I was tackled to the floor again, however, this time I fell face first. I tried getting back up but his weight on my back wasn't allowing me.

"What's wrong doll? Am I too much for you?" He began to laugh

"Get off of me" I growled

Jeff took the knife out of my hands and put it to my throat.
"Or what?"

"Go ahead. Kill me" I spat

Jeff remained quiet.
I felt the knife
slightly moving.
I know he couldn't do it. If he did it, I would win.

I could feel him breathing on my neck.
Then he whispered
"I've missed this side of you"

His voice sent shivers down my spine.
In just seconds he flipped me over so I was facing him.
He ran the knife down my throat to my chest.
Why is he doing this to me?!

"I miss the old you" I whispered, but loud enough so he could hear.

He stopped and looked at me. Surprisingly he got off me and sat down.
Is this some kind of trap?

"I told you to stay away from me, but you didn't listen" he said

I sat up and looked at him.
"I just wanted to help you. I wanted to be with you. You were so nice to me. Sure we had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day, you were always there for me"

His head laid low.
I got a little closer to him.

"But after all of this... I hate y-"

I was interrupted by Jeff's rough lips on mine, his fingers tangled in my hair, and his nails digging into my waist.
Without thinking, I let my legs slip around his waist and my fingers get tangled in his hair.
He picked me up and dropped me on the couch.

"I can see your tits through that shirt" he said

I could feel my cheeks heating up. Before I could say or do anything, Jeff's hand ran up my shirt.
He began to kiss and nibble on my neck.
His hand squeezed my breast, I was trying so hard not to moan but the touch of his cold hand made that impossible.
His hand made its way down to my hips.
His hand started to message the area between my legs.

He stopped then whispered in my ear.
"I know you like this."
I quickly shook my head no.

"Oh really, then why are you wet?"


He unzipped my pants while he gently kissed me. I let out the moans I've been holding in.
Before he could do or say anything we were interrupted by a strange sound. It was the sound of an infant crying.

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