Chapter 15

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"What the fuck are you talking about?!" I spat

"She's an emotionless child. Not capable of happiness, sadness, anger, or love"

"What the fuck are you talking about!? Just a second ago she was crying!"

"She only cries when she's hungry" he said bluntly

I looked at the infant while running my fingers through my hair. How is he calm? He's acting like nothing is wrong!
"How do you know all of this?"

"I'm not a fucking idiot. I've heard several stories about emotionless killers."
He began to walk towards me.
"They're stronger than most killers, they are able to kill anyone, even their loved ones, without feeling any pity for them"
He looked into my eyes.
I took a step back.
"I'm leaving" I said

"Where?" He growled

"Back home... to the freak show and Vodka is coming with me, she doesn't deserve you as a father"

"Fine. Leave. But you won't last a day without me, you never do" he chuckled

"Watch me!"
I grabbed my child then I left.
What am I supposed to do? I looked at my baby as water drops fell on her cheek, they were my tears. My angel, incapable of any emotion. How is that even possible? There has to be a cure or something.
Not only do I have to deal with my little girl, I would also have to face everyone back home. If I go to the freak show, I would have to explain everything to Jack. Jack is going to kill me when he finds out what happened.

"Aren't you a little young to be a mother?"

I looked around to see who had said that.
A tall man, around my age, with black hair and green eyes looked at me, waiting for a response. He stood outside of a Coffee House, smoking a cigarette.

"What's it to you"

He chuckled
"Jeez, I'm sorry I asked." He stood there observing me.
"Are you okay? You seem a little lost"

He was right. I was lost. I've been living with a killer in the middle of nowhere.
"Actually, could you tell me where I am"

He smiled
"Down Street Alley"

"Oh. Thanks"
'Down Street Alley' didn't even sound familiar. Was I in a different state? I didn't want the man to think that something was wrong. What if he calls the police?

"Do you need help getting somewhere? I could drive you" he offered

"I don't mean to be rude, but why would you do that, we just met"

He rubbed the back of his neck then he smiled. That smile. It was sweet and cute and maybe just a little cocky. There was no denying it, he was very attractive but I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Jeff had put me in a bad mood and I had enough problems of my own.

He bit his lip
"Unlike others, I do believe in love at first sight"

"Nice try but that's hard to believe when you're carrying a baby"

He laughed
"I'm just trying to be nice"

His happiness made me forget about my problems.
"I never got your name"

He smiled

"Cameron, you're in luck. If you can, could you drive me to the nearest bus stop?"

He smiled showing off his straight white teeth.
"As long as you tell me your name."


"Well y/n, let me take you and your beautiful girl to the bus stop"

I followed him to his car, which wasn't far from the Coffee House. He opened the passenger's door for me. I got in the car while holding the baby in my arms. Cameron got in the car and put his seat belt on.
I knew that this was stupid, getting into a stranger's car. What else was I supposed to do? Walk around town with in infant in my arms?

"So where are you headed?" He asked while he started the car.

I sighed as he began to drive
"I have no idea"

He smiled
"Do you have a place to sleep? You can't go walking around at night with a baby."

"I don't but I'm pretty sure I'll figure something out"

"Well I'm pretty sure someone is worried about you"

I sighed
"Sadly no, no one really knows where I am"

He began to laugh but it wasn't a sweet laugh.
He pulled out a gun and pointed it to my stomach.
"Scream and I will kill you"

I began to shake. How could I be so stupid to trust someone, after all that's happened to me. Why am I so nice and naive?
"Why are you doing this?"

Cameron laughed
"Sorry hun, nothing personal. I'm getting paid to do this"

"Getting paid to do what? By who?" I asked

"That's classified"
Suddenly the car came to a stop.
"If it were up to me, I'd make you mine instantly" he winked

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car. I held on to my baby making sure that nothing would happen to her.
He dragged me inside a small cabin. When I stepped inside I could immediately smell raw meat and a hint of burnt sage. The cabin was filled with lit candles. In the center there was a big white circle drawn on to the ground with several symbols around it. The windows were covered with black sheets that prevented any sunlight to come in.

A tall figure walked in to the room, you couldn't really see his face or what he was wearing, he just stood there.

"I got you the girl, now where is my money?" Cameron demanded.

The dark figured laughed. 
"You fool"
He had a rich deep Jamaican accent.
The mysterious man blew, what seemed to be dust, into Cameron's face.
As soon as the substance hit his face, Cameron collapsed lifelessly.

In an instant the mysterious figure took away my baby, not giving me the chance to fight back.
"Give her back" I spat

The man chuckled
"Goodnight my beautiful voodoo princess"
Before I could respond or say anything, he blew the weird dust on my face, and in an instant I went to sleep.

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