Chpater 9

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I took a deep breath.
"Jack, I need to tell you something-"

I was suddenly interrupted by a loud crash.
"Crap, I'll go check out what that was" Jack said while rushing out of the tent.

I was relived that I didn't have to tell him now. This gave me enough time to think over my options.

1.) I could runaway from the freak show and start a new life

2.) I could tell Lj the truth

3.) I could runaway, find Jeff, and tell him everything.

4.) I could have an abortion.

I let out a nervous sigh. I need to decide because sooner or later I knew that Laughing Jack would find out.

"I'm back" Jack announced

"What happened?" I asked

Lj scratched the back of his neck
"Just clown stuff"

I rolled my eyes.

"So what were we talking about?" Jack asked while sitting on the bed.

I chuckled nervously.
"Nothing important. I'm gonna go to sleep, I'm really tired"

Jack smiled
"Ok. Goodnight lollipop"


I was alone in my tent again.
There was only one way to solve all my problems. I opened my wardrobe and pulled out my knife. I grabbed the knife tightly and aimed it at my stomach. On a count of three, I'll do it.


I couldn't do it. I don't understand, I've killed a little kid before, so why couldn't I do this.
Maybe this isn't the answer. It was weird but I think I'm starting to actually care about the creature growing inside of me.
Maybe I could runaway and start a new life with my baby. I grabbed my stomach.
"It's going to be okay" I said

I grabbed a backpack and shoved all my important belongings.
Once I had everything I needed I began to walk away from the freak show.
I'm going to miss Jack a lot, but it was for the best. Jack had way too much on his plate to be dealing with me.

As I was walking I realized that there was a huge problem.
Where am I going?
I looked around, trying to find a place where I could sleep.
I could go back to Ms. Derenick, yeah, maybe she could help me out.

I walked to her house and knocked on her door, a few seconds later she opened the door.

She was wearing pink pajamas and bunny slippers.
"What?" She groaned looking extremely tired

"Umm could I stay here?"

She let out a long sigh
"Come in"

I walked into her warm house, I somehow felt safe.

"Thank you so-"

"Safe it for the morning" she said while walking upstairs.
I laid down on the couch getting ready to fall into a deep slumber but suddenly all the thoughts and questions popped into my head, like what was I going to do or what's going to happen after or will my life ever go back to "normal"
I had this weird feeling in my stomach, it wasn't painful but it was extremely uncomfortable. I sat up and took deep breaths trying to feel relaxed, but it didn't work. I was feeling nauseous,I began coughing uncontrollably so I rushed to the bathroom. I turned on the light and got down on my knees facing the toilet to vomit.
I felt terrible, my head hurt and the taste of vomit was still in my mouth.

"You better be worth it little guy....or girl" I said while massaging my stomach.

I stayed up all night feeling sick and thinking about my future, my child, the freak show, and of course Jeff.
As I watched the sun come up I decided to make breakfast.
When I got up from the couch I felt like throwing up again. I quickly rushed into the bathroom and threw up.

"This is what you get for spreading your legs open for some dude"

I quickly turned around and saw Maggie's mom yawning.

"Good morning ma'am"

"I'll go make breakfast, after that we'll figure everything out"

I nodded my head, she smiled and left.
What is wrong with me?
I'm making a sacrifice to have the child of an insane psychopath.

I walked into the kitchen and found a plate of pancakes. I sat down and poured the maple syrup onto my pancakes.

"There's an abandoned place 3 miles from here, I'm sure you can stay there for a while" Ms. Derenick said out of the blue.

"Funny. I was just about to ask you"

She sat down and began to eat. She reminded me of Maggie in so many different ways.

"Do you think you could take me there?" I asked

She smiled
"Of course"

After we finished eating breakfast we got into Ms. Derenick's old car and we drove to the abandoned house.
The house was pretty small and old.

"Are you sure I won't get in trouble for staying here?" I asked

"No. This place is a complete dump and apparently it's haunted."


She laughed

We walked inside the small house looking around.
There was one room, one bathroom, a dusty living room, and a kitchen filled with cockroaches.

"You just need to fix this place up and you'll feel right at home" Ms. Derenick remarked


"Now lets get you to a doctor"

"No! I can't go! What if they find out I was there!" I exclaimed

"Who's 'they'?" She asked

"You know... They"

She looked at me for a minute then she shrugged.
"Ok. Fine. We'll do this the old fashion way. But if anything hurts tell me right away"

I nodded my head.

"I'll provide you with food and clothes and I'll come to check on you every once in a while"

"Okay. Thank you"

She smiled then left. I was alone, again.
I looked around the small old house, this is going to take forever to clean up.
I guess this is better than living on the streets, plus Jeff and Jack will never find me here, hopefully.

My Beautiful Nightmare  Book 2Where stories live. Discover now