Chapter 17

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I felt weak. All my energy felt drained out. My eyelids could barely stay open. I looked around the room. I could hear something moving. Who else could be in the room. I got closer to the noise.
I could hear breathing. As I got closer, discovered the infant crawling on the floor.
Her serious eyes looked into mine. I gently picked her up.

"We're going home" I said
I put my clothes back on and walked out the door. My legs could barely move and I had no idea where I was going.
If I keep walking then eventually I would get somewhere, right?

"Hurry! Hurry! Step right up and see the freaks!"

I looked at the man who was yelling. I got closer to where a group of people were standing.
Many people were in line buying tickets.

"How many tickets would you like to purchase, ma'am?"

I looked at the young man selling the tickets. I didn't even realize that I was in line. I didn't even have money.

"Who's in charge?" I asked

"Richard Neal"

"Lobster boy?"

The young man chuckled
"The one and only"

"May I speak to him?"

The ticket boy raised one of his eyebrows.
"If you want to speak to him then you have to buy a ticket like everyone else"

I closed my eyes and imagined the ticket boy getting shot, but when I opened my eyes nothing happened.
Suddenly I was interrupted by someone else's voice.
"What seems to be the problem?"

Richard was leaning against the ticket booth.
He glanced at me then smiled.


His smile grew wider with excitement.
"You're back! And you have a baby?"

"It's a long story"

"Well, don't be shy, come in!" He grabbed my hand and lead me inside the freak show.

"Jack is gonna be so happy once he sees you"

I felt my heart stop. Jack is gonna kill me once he sees me with a baby. I got this weird feeling in my stomach. What's gonna happen now?

"Y/n?!" Yelled a familiar voice.

I knew that voice far too well. It was Jack. Before I could do or say anything I felt a pair of arms embrace me. Tears slid down my cheek. It felt like home. I missed this. The smell of popcorn and cotton candy. The colorful tents. This was home, my safe place. I can't believe I left this all behind.

"Who's the little guy?" He asked

"G-girl" I corrected

He gently took her out of my arms and carried her.
"She's so pretty"

I stood there, awkwardly, not know what to do. My legs and hands were shaking.

"What's her name?"

"Vod- (name of your choice)"

Jack smiled
"Where did you find her?"

"Umm I ah... she's a-actually mine"
I felt my legs and arms shake.
Jack gave me an odd look, his smile slowly turned into a frown.


"Can we go somewhere more quiet?" I asked
He looked around, noticing that we were in public.
No one was really paying attention to us but I wanted to explain everything to Jack in a more settle place.

He lead me into a small tent with no one inside. The bed had a mirror and a closet.

"Did you get a new tent?" I asked, trying to break the tension in the air.

"Yeah" Jack muttered

He sat on the bed with the baby still in his arms.
After a long moment of silence, Jack finally spoke up.
"When did it happen?"

"It was the day before we moved to a different town."

Jack's eyes widened.
"With who? Where? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Umm I didn't tell you because I thought you would be upset" I stammered

"I'm upset that you didn't tell me. Now answer my other two questions: Where and with who" Jack said sternly

"In a cabin... specifically, in Jeff the killer's cabin."

Jack began to laugh
"You're joking right?"

"I wish I were"

Jack stopped laughing.
"That smiling piece of fuck touched you?!"


"You let that psycho asshole touch you?!"

"I was drunk!"

"You got drunk with that stupid piece of donkey shit?!"

I softly rubbed Jack's back, trying to calm him down.
"Let explain everything to you"
I began by telling him about the feelings I had for Jeff. I told him everything. Even told him about the baby and the Witch Doctor.
When I was finally done telling him everything, he remained silent.

"Jack, I'm really sorry I left without telling you anything."

Jack let out a sigh
"It's fine sweetheart. Where is Jeff now?"

I shrugged
"Probably at his cabin or the other house"

"You've had a long day. You can sleep in my bed for tonight."
He kissed the baby's forehead then gave her to me.

"What about you?"

He smiled
"Don't worry about me. I have to take care of some business."

I laid on the bed with Vodka on my chest.
Thank god that was over.
I should have just told him everything before, it would have been much easier.
I guess now, everything will be back to normal. Was I normal? I thought about the events that happened. Why didn't it happen with the ticket boy? Maybe I didn't have the powers. Maybe that was just a "once in a life-time" thing.

I noticed that Vodka had fallen asleep in my arms. I can't believe I got her back. I was happy to be with her but she reminded me of Jeff.
I loved my angel but she would never get to experience any type of emotion. As bad as it may sound, I think it wasn't worth bringing her back to life. I should have known better. This whole experience had been terrible. It was like a dream to have her back but at the same time, I had to face the consequences. This was the price I had to pay.
She's my beautiful nightmare.

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