Chapter Nineteen: Fresh Meat

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(Kammy's POV) (August 17th, 2011)

Today is the first day of freshman year. I'm fresh meat as most like to say. My head was spinning of thoughts about what high school was like. I always thought it was scary and that I would get picked on by the upperclassmen. 

I sat in front of my mirror in the bathroom. I stared at my face for the longest of time before deciding to resume getting ready. I got dressed in my favorite Smosh shirt and skinny jeans, did my makeup and hair and grabbed my phone and iPod before heading downstairs. 

My mom was also up getting ready for work. She works at Walmart as a department manager and always complains about how terrible the people are there. My dad was already gone. He works as a car part designer and gets up at around 5am to go to work and he also works as a janitor to a different school district after his first job. I don't see how he even stays awake. 

I put on my converse and slung my bag over my shoulder, waiting for my mom to finish up. She always drives me to the bus stop in the mornings before she heads to work. 

To tell you the truth, I'm scared to walk to the bus stop in the mornings here. It's always so dark and I'm afraid some pedophile is going to jump out and grab me or something. 

As I waited for my mom I pulled out my iPod and checked the weather. 

Miamisburg, Ohio: 71 degrees, mostly sunny. 90% humid. 

I hate you Miamisburg, and your little high school too. I sighed and put my iPod away.

"You ready to go?" my mom asked. I nodded. I don't like to talk in the mornings either. I am not a morning person what so ever.

 We headed out and waited for my bus to come. There was an comfortable silence between me and my mother. The radio playing country music softly. I don't really prefer country music but I've grown used to it since that's all my mom plays on the radio. If I dare touch it, she might kill me. 

When the bus finally came I climbed out of the car and headed onto the bus with the other kids/teens. Thank goodness we were the first stop. I did not want to not have anywhere to sit. 

The bus made it's route and we were finally pulling into the bus unloading area. 

Just breathe Kaitlyn. You got this. All your friends are going to be there too. Bethany, Jessie, Bailey.. Just be calm. 

I got off and went into the dimly lit school. I made my way to advisory and saw one of my friends from sixth grade there and immediately went to sit next to her. 

"Hey Taylor!" I said.

"Oh hey Kaitlyn!" she said smiling. Taylor is a very positive person and super duper nice, so why wouldn't I become friends with her? We are kind of alike, but she is more outgoing. 

"I'm so scared right now. You have no idea how relieved I am to actually sit next to somebody I know."

"I know right! I was hoping you would come in. Well, technically I knew you would since our last names both start with M and whatnot..." she said before I tuned out. 

Note: Taylor loves to talk. 

I felt kinda bad for tuning her out but I need to survive ya know. 

Advisory was soon over and Taylor and I bid our goodbyes. I headed out into the crowded hallway filled with noisy, annoying students. Most of them taller than me. I felt like I was going to hyperventilate.  

That is until I spotted Bethany walking down the hallway, towards me. I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Bethany!" I waved at her. 

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