Chapter Twenty Five: A Smoshy Christmas

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Here is a special Christmas chapter! :3 Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *<:{D> HO! HO! HO!


(Ian's POV)

A few months have passed since that day we were in One Direction's hotel room. It's now December and it's getting closer to Christmas. Anthony and I have been rushing to get our shopping done. We want this Christmas to be happy and joyous for the girls. They seemed pretty sad that they wouldn't be spending the holiday with their families.

The news still hasn't forgotten about them. Every day there is a new report on where they think Kammy and Bethany are. The strange thing about this is no one has even come to our house to search for them.

I was about to grab for a stuffed giraffe when someone else grabbed it before me. Well that wasn't nice. Kammy would have loved that thing.

"Oh Ian! It's you!" the lady who took the giraffe said. I turned and saw it was Leilani.

"Oh hi!" I exclaimed back. I realized we never did hang out like I said we would. Maybe she could spend Christmas with us. We talked for a few moments and she agreed to come over on Christmas. She also kindly gave me the stuffed giraffe. Saying that she didn't really need it.

We parted our ways and I found Anthony in the electronics part of the store.

"Dude! Look what I found for Kammy!" I said as I shoved the animal in his face. He frowned.

"How am I supposed to find anything if you keep finding things for her?" He said.

"Why don't you get her some jewelry or maybe some video games?" I suggested. He picked up the new Assassin's Creed III game. It seemed way too expensive to me. He decided to get it anyways since he wanted it as well.

After that we went to go find things for Bethany. I decided to get her a necklace that you can add charms to. I bought her a triforce of courage, a pokeball, and mortal kombat charms to put on it. Anthony decided to get her a pikachu hat.

For the rest of the day we kept getting different things for them.

On December 20th we put up the Christmas tree. Kammy had made some homemade Smosh ornaments which we obviously put on the tree. Anthony kept chasing her the whole time with some mistletoe. They were laughing like crazy.

Bethany silently put on the lights and occasionally glanced at me and smiled. Soon I found myself wrapped in lights.

"Don't you look so cute!" Bethany exclaimed as she put a star on my head.

"Haha, very funny. Now unwrap me," I told her.

She shook her head and smiled hugely.

"Hey guys!" She said to our friends, "Wanna help me decorate our new Christmas tree?"

They all started putting ornaments on me and humming Christmas songs just to annoy me.

Later on they finally unwrapped me and we decided to do a quick mail time video.

We got a lot of Christmas cards an presents from random Smoshers.

(Kammy's POV) (December 24th)

It's finally Christmas Eve! I can't wait for it to be tomorrow already!

Bethany and I were excited to see Anthony and Ian's reactions to our gifts. I was trying so hard not to tell Bethany about my present to her.

We were both sitting in the living room floor talking since Ian and Anthony had to go to a last minute meeting.

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