Chapter Twenty Eight: Angry Ian is Angry

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(Bethany's POV)

"You're pregnant?!" Ian asked me angrily, staring at me wide eyed. I nodded slowly at him, slightly scared. He had told me before that he wanted to wait a few years before having any children. He wanted to spend time with me before we took on that responsibility. His jaw tightened and his hands clenched into fists, the test now forgotten on the floor.

"I told you that--" He started.

"--You wanted to wait," I finished for him, "I know." I stared at him as his nostrils flared and his eyes closed.

Tears started to well up in my eyes. This was the first time I actually saw Ian genuinely angry. And it scared the living hell out of me.

"I-I didn't mean for this to happen, okay?" I muttered softly.

"Yeah? So you didn't mean to stop taking your pill?" He glared at me, "That's bullshit."

He's blaming this all on me? Well the last time I checked, it takes two to create a baby. Anger boiled inside of me as my tears faded away. I stared at him incredulously.

"This isn't just my fault, you know. You were apart of this too! This," I point to my stomach, "Is both of ours and if you don't want it then fine! I'll just pack up and leave! That's obviously what you want, right Ian?" I snapped back.

A shocked Ian looks at me with wide eyes at my outburst. He looks at a loss for words and his face drained of color.

I ran down the hall, not waiting for a response, and dashed into our room. If he doesn't want a child yet, then fine, he doesn't have to deal with this. I'm going to raise our little baby no matter what. Finding a large suitcase, I quickly started packing my belongings while hot tears streamed down my face.

A small knock sounded at the door and all I could do was blubber a meaningless form of sounds. The door opened and in walked Kammy.

"Bethany? Are you alright?" She asked, concern etched on her face.

I shook my head and wiped my tears before continuing what I was doing.

"What happened? I've never seen you like this before.." She made her way over to me and started to gently rub my back. I stopped packing and sighed heavily, putting a hand lightly against my stomach.

"He doesn't want our child.. So I'm leaving.." I said shakily as a whole other round of tears started up. Just saying it out loud hurt me even worse. I don't want to leave, but what other choice do I have? Abortion? I quickly looked down at my stomach. I could never kill our baby. A little baby Ian..

"You can't leave!" Kammy exclaimed suddenly, making me jump. I looked up to find her completely wide-eyed and panicked. I looked at her quizzically, my tears still staining my cheeks.

"And why not?"

"Because I need you. Ian needs you. Sure, he's acting like a complete idiot, but can you blame him? I mean, you did just give him some unexpected information," she said.

Pausing, I thought for a moment to myself. She was right. I had just dumped that on him and expected him to be completely fine with it. That was idiotic of me. I should give him some time to let this sink in and not rush to conclusions.

I looked up at Kammy and nodded slightly. She gave me a wide smile and hugged me.

"Let him be for a while. He'll come around," she said as she pulled away from our hug and left the room quietly. I sighed to myself and started to unpack everything I had managed to put into my suitcase.

As I put away the last item, I felt completely exhausted. Today was hectic and I was stressed.

Laying down slowly onto the bed, I got comfortable and fell into a dreamless sleep.


"Bethany. Bethany. Bethany!"

I groggily opened one eye to see who my alarm was and closed it again once I saw it was Kammy. I waved my hand at her and rolled over.

I heard a frustrated huff and I was suddenly being dragged off the bed by my feet. My eyes shot open, glaring at the brunette that was grasping my ankles.

"Bitch," I said.

She smirked, "Jerk."

Rolling my eyes I reluctantly got out of bed.

"We have a visitor! And you're never going to guess who it is!" Kammy exclaimed as she jumped up and down. She was already giving me a headache with her bouncing. I put a hand over my mouth and quickly rushed past her and into the bathroom where I let the contents of my stomach empty into the toilet.

"Wow, you already have morning sickness? But it isn't even morning! How does that work? Well you always have been weird about things. Maybe your baby is being weird too--"

"Kammy! Shut. Up!" I yelled at her as I leaned over the bowl.

"Too far? Sorry, uh... Gross," she commented as she tried to pull my hair back away from my face. I slapped away her hands and glared.

"I already puked, idiot. It would be pointless for you to do that after it happened," I said as I picked up my toothbrush and began the cleaning process of my mouth. I was in the middle of using mouthwash when Kammy decided to give me a heart attack.

"Pewdiepie is here, b-t-dubs," she said nonchalantly.

I did a spit take and mouthwash splattered onto the mirror. Turning to Kammy, I looked at her in shock.

"What?! I just vomited while he was in the house?! Oh dear lord..." I said exasperatedly as I wiped my mouth and walked past my brunette friend into the hallway. The deep voices of a conversation reverberated down the hall. As I approached the three men in the living room they looked up and stopped talking abruptly.

The tall blonde smiles hugely and stuck out his hand. I grasped it with a small smile.

"You must be Bethany. I've heard a lot about you," he said in a Swedish accent as he shook my hand gently. I giggled and nodded.

Kammy came walking in soon after and started jumping up and down.

"FELIX!" she screamed before running up to our guest and hugging him tightly. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and he instantly blushed.

I could feel the jealousy radiating off of Anthony as he crossed his arms.

"Hello, Kammy. It's been a while. Still as affectionate as ever, I see," Felix chuckled which made my best friend swoon even more. She clung onto his arm.

"Anyways," Ian started, "So are we going to do GTA for the video?

Their conversation continued, with Kammy hanging off of Felix, Anthony being irritated, and the awkward tension between Ian and I.

I stood off to the side, listening, and wondering how my life came to be like this.

And then the pain began.

I doubled over as the pain engulfed my abdomen. Everyone turned their attention to me and frantically asked what was wrong.

Ian quickly picked me up and yelled at Anthony to start up the car.

My consciousness faded in and out as we rushed to the car.

"It'll be okay. It will all be okay," Ian whispered to me as we sat in the back seat, "We'll be at the hospital soon."

He rested a hand on my stomach and smiled gently down at me. I knew then that that was his way of saying he wanted a family.

Little did we know, though, that it wasn't going to happen.

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