Chapter Seven: Truth or Dare?

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(Ian's POV) 

My best friend is being a pedophile and crushing on a 14 year old. How insane is that? What is wrong with him? Two girls have been here for only a few hours. It was kind of creepy. I shook my head.

"Whatever man, let's just go back," I said after awhile.

We walked back into the other room. I kept glancing towards anthony and he had is hands in his pockets with his head turned down. Like he was ashamed.

I patted his back with my free hand in reassurance and gave a small smile.

Once we reached the living room we found Kammy and Bethany hugging. Quite strange actually. It makes you think of what they were talking about. I hope to dear lord that Kammy didn't just tell Bethany that she liked Anthony. That would just make everything a lot harder. 

They pulled out of the hug and they looked up at us. I set down all the sleeping bags. Two in one part of the living room and the other two in the other. 

Just for precautions. 

I finished, stood up straight, and looked at my work in admiration. Then I turned back to the others. Only to find Kammy and Anthony in a deep conversation while Bethany struggled to eavsdrop onto what they were saying. 

"Psst!" I whispered.

Bethany looked up at me questioningly. I waved with my hand for her to follow me. We walked into the other room. 

"Guess what."

"What?" She responded. 

"I said guess!" I exclaimed. Her eyes turned wide. 

"I-I don't know!" She stuttered. 

"Okay fine." I rolled my eyes. "Anthony likes Kammy."

And then Bethany went all haywire and started screaming profanities. I had never heard such horrible and nasty language come out of a 14 year old girls mouth. I quickly covered her mouth with my hand. 

"Would you be quiet! They'll hear us!" I sighed. "Let's go."

We walked back into the living room once again.

"Truth or dare?" I heard Kammy ask. 

"Uhh..truth?" said Anthony. It came out more of a question than a statement. 

"What's going on out here?" Bethany wheezed.

"We're playing Truth or Dare. Wanna play?" Kammy asked. 

Sure why not. The most dangerous game to play with teenage girls. Whoopie!

"Okay.." Bethany responded. 

"Awesome! I have this cool app that gives you dares or things to tell the truth about!" she exclaimed as she shook her iPod and looked down at it. Reading what it said while moving her lips. She handed the iPod to Anthony. 

"Who do you have a crush on?" Anthony asked as his eyes widened. How ironic, huh? His cheeks tinged pink. "Next." 

"Aww c'mon!" Kammy playfully nudged his shoulder. "It can't be that bad! Who is it?"

"So, uh, Bethany. Truth or dare?" He quickly asked. Kammy pouted. 

"Dare! Dare! Double dare!" Bethany sang. 

(Bethany's POV)

I anticipated the dare that would be chosen for me. 

"Instead of using Kammy's iPod, I'll just make one up," Anthony smirked. Eeep! I feel nervous but excited. "I dare you to... Kiss Ian."


"No!" Ian screamed. My face immediately fell. Darnit. 

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" Kammy started chanting. Anthony soon joined in. 

Then suddenly I was being kissed on the lips. By Ian Hecox. The sexiest man alive. His lips tasted like.. Pickles? No. Was it strawberries? Its on the tip of my tounge. But before I could distinguish what it was he quickly pulled away. And I passed out. 

(Kammy's POV)

"OH MY GOSH!" I screamed. "Bethany! Bethany, wake up!" I shook Bethany's limp body. She must have passed out. I mean, I would too. I turned to Anthony. "Will you help me move her onto a sleeping bag?" He nodded at one. 

I grabbed her legs as he grabbed her arms and we gently lifted her off the ground and carried her over to the nearest sleeping bag. She'll be okay.

"No more Truth or Dare," Ian stated bluntly. Well okay then Mr. Douche B. Herman. He knew he loved kissing Bethany. He just didn't want to admit it. I giggled. I can't believe I was thinking about this. 

"What's so funny?" Anthony questioned. I just shook my head as my smile grew wider. 

"I'm going to sleep," Ian said and glanced towards Anthony. He mouthed something that looked like 'don't do anything'. Anthony waved him off. 

Ian got in one of the sleeping bags farthest from Bethany. 

"So..." I trailed off.

"So.." Anthony copied. 

"You wanna tell me who you have a crush on now?" I said, giddy to find out. 

He shook his head. 

"If you don't tell me, I will bitch slap you and kick you in the weiner." 

His face turned horrified. I raised my hand about to slap him.

"Okay! Okay! Wait!" he said as he protected his face. "It's you!" 

I froze on the spot. What the fricking frick? No. Nope. Not possible. He cannot like me. That's too much of a pedophile. And I didn't even like him. I like Ian. Not him. 

I didn't move an inch. I was just staring at him as if a worm was coming out of his butt. I was scared yet kind of flattered. Which was awkward. I didn't know what to do next. 

But I guess he was walking towards me because he was suddenly closer to me. 

You want to know what happened next? He kissed me. On the lips. Me a 14 year old girl. Him a 24 year old guy. 


O: Just to tell you. I really didn't know what to do at the end. So yeah. Uhh awkward. I don't know how I would react to Anthony kissing me. Its just uh idk. xD 


Yeah hope you liked this chapter. If not thats cool too bro.

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Peace out home skillet... lolol

~Kammy :D <3

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