Chapter One: Introduction to Ian and Anthony

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(AN: This is my new story about Smosh! Hope it turns out okay! If it doesn't i'll just delete it XD LOL okay well enjoy! Oh and this will be written in a sort of Journal Form so yeah (: the POVs will change constantly! Just a warning!)

Chapter 1, Introduction to Ian and Anthony

(Ian's POV)

"Why don't you write what's happening in your life? Maybe that will help clear things," the boring voice of our therapist groans out. His glasses have been slipping slowly throughout the whole session and have finally reached the tip of his nose. Why would I take advice from this guy? Taking another look at Anthony, I can see he is just as bored as me. Our eyes meet and he shrugs.

And that is how we began writing our lives into a journal.

~So hey guys, apparently Anthony and mine's therapist wants us to write in a journal. Yeah, kind of stupid but those doctors never give up. Like seriously? We are perfectly mentally stable. Just because we make videos about putting meat in peoples mouths means nothing.

I'm Ian, first off. My best friend is Anthony and we make YouTube videos. Yes, we make YouTube videos for a living. It's actually a well paid and popular occupation. We love what we do and I'm pretty sure everyone thinks our videos are hilarious. Am I right?

Sure we might seem like idiots at times, but that makes things funnier. So our YouTube name is Smosh. You're probably wondering 'why Smosh? What kind of name is that?'. Well it happened when we were at school one day. Anthony was talking to our friends about a mosh pit he went to but it sounded like 'smosh'. So it just stuck.

Anthony says I look stupid with my bowl hair. Yeah, well, he can go cry naked in the corner with his emo ass hair. A lot of girls actually think my hair is sexy. I mean, why wouldn't they?

Well, I have to go edit a video so I will talk to you guys later and let Anthony take over... That douchepickle..~

(Anthony's POV)

~Hey everyone! It's Anthony, Ian's friend and co-star in Smosh. So I'm guessing he said why we are writing in this stupid journal? Honestly, I think Ian needs this more than I do. I mean, I don't have anger problems when it comes to board games like him.~

"Dude! Not cool!" Ian screeches into my ear as he reads over my shoulder. Rolling my eyes, I mutter that he should go into anger management.

~Anyways... Me, I love making videos, and I love my fans. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have much hope. So lots of love to them.

Lately, Ian and I have been making more and more videos, and we thought we needed a break. Our friend suggested us to go to a therapist, and when we said no, he forced us to go. As in dragging by our feet all the way to the doctors office kind of force.

And Ian, your bowl hair is just ridiculous. Get it cut already. You douchenozzle..

Well as Ian said before, I have to go help him edit a video. So talk to you guys later!~


Hey broskis! Yes this is very short! Just a little test chapter to see what you guys think! Do you want me to continue?

So yes I am obsessed with Smosh, but I really want this to turn out good.

Vote, comment, fan....stuff like that. XD Please and thank you! I really wanna know what you guys think! <3

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