Chapter Eleven: Come Closer

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[PLEASE READ!!] I just wanted to let everyone know that this chapter was SUPER AWKWARD for me to write. Bethany like seriously made me her writing slave and I was forced to write this D: LOL Jk. But seriously. So awkward. My brain is horrified. XD Sorry to Bailey and Jessie cuz I know you read this story. Kay well enjoy the chapter! Or not. I didn't. *Shivers*


(Ian's POV)(In his dream)

I was in a weird place. It looked like a small candy town or whatever. My mouth started watering at the sight of chocolate bars and all the sweets making up the streets and houses. I started walking down the road, seeing a person at the end. It was a girl that looked a lot like Bethany. 

As I made my way closer she became clearer. Her face was expressionless and was staring off into space.

"Hello?" I waved my hand in front of her. Something is wrong. 

I looked around but nothing seemed out of the ordinary other than everything being made of candy. When I looked back, Bethany was no where to be found. A mist started forming everywhere and soon I couldn't see a thing except a cobblestone pathway. 

This can't be good. 

I started pinching myself in hopes of waking myself up. Well it kind of worked. I was having some weird dreamception kind of thing going on. Next thing I new I woke up on that exact same pathway. Freaky bro.

Except now someone was whispering my name really creepily. 


I looked everywhere and no one was in sight. 


I need to get out of this dream. Someone needs to wake me up somehow. Even if it was with a bucket full of ice water, I didn't care. 

(Ian is now out of his dream O:)

"IAN!" the person screamed and I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. What's with people and slapping these days. I mean why cause physical pain when you could just throw water on them.

I fluttered my eyes open to see Anthony, Bethany, and Kammy looking down at me. 

"Ian! Are you okay?!" Bethany exclaimed towards me as she crouched down closer. 

"Yeah, I think so," I said as I sat up on my elbows. My face still hurt from the slap. I looked back up and I was inches from Bethany's face. I stared into her eyes. I didn't realize how pretty her eyes were before. I shook my head. What am I thinking? Agh, what the heck?

"Are you sure? Do you need anything?" she asked, more calm than before. 

I didn't think I needed anything but something clicked when she said that. I felt like I should say yes to her no matter what. My throat ran dry and I cleared it. 

"Uhm, well. I guess you could get me some water." She nodded and headed for the kitchen but stopped and looked around like a lost puppy. A cute lost puppy. I chuckled.

"The cups are in the cupboard above right by the fridge. You can just get me tap water from the sink."

She smiled back at me and nodded as she proceeded to open the cupboard and fix my water. I watched her move around the kitchen. She looked so pretty. That's what I was going to tell her yesterday when we were in the car but I was interrupted. I was kind of thankful. But sad at the same time. 

Wait where did Anthony and Kammy go? I looked around the room and they were no where to be found. Oh well, we don't need them anyways. 

"Here you go," Bethany said, smiling. She handed me the cup of water and I couldn't help gulping most of it. When I was done I gave it back to her. 

"Thank you so much. I needed that," I smiled at her, "You can just put the cup in the sink."

"That's what I planned to do," She laughed. Oh my lord, even her laugh was adorable. Again, what the heck?

She sauntered into the kitchen. I stood up and followed her. I didn't know what I was doing but I was somehow being drawn to her. She turned around from the sink and ran into me. 

"Oh, whoops! Didn't know you were there!" She laughed. 

(Bethany's Inner Crazy Girl Self)

Come closer.

*Insert insane look here.*

(Ian's POV)

I smiled. "You have a cute laugh."

"Oh, why thank you. Yours is pretty freaking adorable as well."

I reached out my hand and rested it on her cheek. She was staring at me wide-eyed and a smile small on her face. I have no freaking clue what I am doing right now. 

I leaned in closer to her and said, "You're pretty." 

"T-Thank you," she hesitated. I could see her glance down at my lips. I smirked. I closed the space and lightly kissed her on the lips. They were so soft and sweet. As I pulled away it looked like she was going to pass out. Again. 

"That was for freaking out the last time we kissed," I said before I realized how pale she was getting. "Oh gosh. Please do not faint again."

(Bethany's Inner Crazy Girl Self)


(Ian's POV)

I grabbed her hand and led her to one of the couches in the living room. She sat down and started breathing in and out heavily. 

"Are you going to be alright?" I asked. 

"Yeah." She giggled. I couldn't help the big grin that spread across my face. 

"You want to go to my room?" I questioned.

"Y-Your room? Like, where you sleep and stuff?"

"Yeah, that's the place," I laughed. 

"HECK TO THE YES! Oh sorry, what I meant was: Sure."

To you this might seem wrong. Like seriously wrong. But it isn't. At least I hope it stays completely appropiate. Do not judge me. 

As we made our way down the hallway and into my room we could hear some muffled voices coming from Anthony's room. 

"Is Kammy in Anthony's room?" I asked Bethany. 

"I guess so. I mean I didn't see her go in there but ya know. She is the only other person that would be talking to Anthony in there," she shrugged.

"Riiiight," I said as I closed the door behind us. I looked around my room in horror. It was a complete mess. I should really clean up in here once in awhile. "Sorry about this mess."

"It's cool. My room is exactly like this. Except on one wall is covered with pictures and things of Youtube type stuff. AND I LOVE IT. Oh sorry, I talk a lot," she starts laughing hard. 

I didn't respond after that. I just moved closer to her until she backed into the bed and fell on it. I climbed over top of her and started to kiss her. 


(Anthony's POV) 

"So, you won't go out with me?" I asked. 

"Anthony, seriously? How many times do I have to tell you. NO. N-O. NOOO," Kammy responded. 

Well isn't this a bummer to start off the evening. First Ian starts having spazz attacks in his sleep and now this. I just can't win.


So that's all I'm going to write for this chapter. Yes, kind of weird if you ask me. Idk what to say. I'm not in a big authors note kind of mood so yeah xD 

Question Of The Chapter: So do you guys like this story so far? If so, tell me what part you love most  so far! And since I feel like asking more questions I am. Next question: What's your favorite Smosh video? Fav quote? 


Kay thanks. Bye....


~Kammy :D <3

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