Chapter Eight: [Insert Awkward Moment Here]

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:D Sup brahs. Lol bra. xD 


(Kammy's POV)

Why does this feel weird? Like it wasn't happening at all. 


"Oh what the fuck!?" I screamed as I jolted upwards. I held a hand up to my cheek. Someone slapped me! Wait. Why am I in a sleeping bag? I looked around nervously. It was dark in the room. I glanced down. I still had all my clothes on. Phew!

"What's wrong?!" Anthony bolted up from his bag and made some sort of ninja pose. 

"And that's what you get for touching my man!" Bethany said groggily as she turned over and went back to drooling on her sleeping bag. 

I rolled my eyes. Of course. 

"Bethany just bitch slapped me in her sleep!" I paused. "That's so cool!" I burst into laughter. Anthony looked at me amused.

"Go back to sleep," Ian muttered. I stuck my tongue out at him. He tried to return it but it just looked weird. 

"Whatever!" I whispered at him. I layed back down on my bag with my hands perched underneath my head. My eyes stayed open. I don't think I can go back to sleep. I guess that whole kiss thing with Anthony was a dream. 

"Kammy?" Anthony said quietly. 

"Mhmm?" I responded. 

"Did that thing..ya know. Is it gonna make things awkward between us now?" 

"What thing?"

"The kiss." 

What!? It was real?! But - But how? No! It was just in my head. All imagined in my wacko brain.

"What are you talking about?" I managed to say. "We never kissed."

"Ah. I see. You're gonna make it seem as if it never happened." He sighed. 

"No! Anthony, I didn't mean it like that!" I sat up in my sleeping bag to face him. "I just thought it was a dream! That I just imagined it."

He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "A dream you say? Not a nightmare?" 

"Uhh.." I blushed. 

"Would you two shut up and go back to sleep! Yes! We get it! Anthony likes you! You thought it was all a dream! Blah blah blah.." Ian threw his arms up in exasperation. 

"Oh shut up!" Anthony and I screamed in unison as we both threw a pillow at him. 

"Pew! Pew! You'll never catch me ya silly little flappers!" Bethany said as she put her hands up forming a gun.

We all started laughing as hard as we could. I wondered what she was doing in her dream that made her run away from those silly little flappers. 

"I'll never give back those pink frosted sprinkled doughnuts! I got them fair and square! No! I did not steal them from that little girl!" She shouted. My question has been answered. 

"Does she do this all the time?" Anthony wheezed between laughs. 

"I don't know. I have never heard her do this before!" I giggled. 

She quieted down after that and I layed back down, looking up at the ceiling. If that kiss was real then what does it mean? I don't like Anthony like that. I hoped he knew that. My hands were folded on top of my stomach. My ugly, chubby stomach. Something slipped into one of my hands. I looked down. Anthony's hand was intertwined with mine. Awkward much? I didn't want to wake him since it looked like he was peacefully sleeping so I just laid there until I finally drifted off.

(Bethany's POV)(In her dream)

"MUAHAHAHAHA! I got me them doughnuts! Those douchenozzles will never find me!" I screamed.

I ran down an alleyway with a bag full of pink frosted sprinkled doughnuts. I looked behind me to find them chasing me. God dangit! They found me! 

Ian popped out of nowhere and one of those ugly sluts started touching him. 

I slapped her in the face. "And thats what you get for touching my man!" 

And then they vanished but those people were still chasing me from behind. I scurried out of the alley and down the road but I wasn't losing them. 

I pulled a random squirt gun out of my pocket and started spraying them with a suspicious looking liquid. "Pew! Pew! You'll never catch me ya silly little flappers!"

(Ian's POV)

I knew bringing those girls into the house would only bring trouble. And one of them was keeping me from my beauty sleep. 

"Would you two shut up and go back to sleep! Yes! We get it! Anthony likes you! You thought it was all a dream! Blah blah blah..." I yelled at Kammy along with Anthony.

"Oh shut up!" They screamed at me in unison as I was pelted with pillows. 


(Anthony's POV)

I layed down after all that insanity and slowly drifted to sleep where I met with Kammy once again in my dream. Except she was older. She looked about 22 years old. She looked, well, hot. 

She beckoned me with her finger to come closer and so I obliged. Her hand landed on my chest as she felt the thumping of my heart and smiled up at me. I swear my heart was beating like a hummingbirds wings right then and there. 

Somehow the next morning, Kammy was snuggled up to me as our hands were intertwined. Uh oh....


I realize that this story turned into something COMPLETELY different than what I started out with. LOL Oh well. You peeps will live. If you don't like it then, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. 

:D Smile and laugh, It makes you live longer. I swear it does!

Love all ya silly little flappers! xD

~Kammy :D <3

Smosh, The Untold Story Of Their LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora