Chapter 15: Nightmares and Terrors

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(A/N: This idea goes to XSailorGalacticX ^_^ also sorry for the late update aaanyway back to the story)


Your hand shakily and slowly brought itself to touch the worn out knob on the old beat up door that looked like if you yanked the door to hard it would swing off the hindges that were in the case rusted. Slowly you opened the door as it opened with an earie creek, soon bringing yourself to walk slowly in looking around as the wooden floor looked worn out and liable to break if you end up jumping up and down on it. The stairs looked coved in from the elements of rain, sleet, anything really. Along with the walls that seemed to have black mold in between the worn out wall paper that was hanging down from the walls strip by strip, the windows were either cracked or broken as the glass particals were littered on the floor creating a glimmer effect on the worn out and cracked floor. Every step you took made a creek in the floor boards.

The smell of decomposing bodies came to your senses as you walked slowly into the living room. Soon bringing yourself to drop down onto your hands and knees, puking at the sight of Isaac's parent's decomposing bodies that were on the couch, maggots feasting on them from the inside out along with bones showing from how long they were dead. The stentch was so bad that it was even hard for you to breath in the fumes.

"See~ what did I TELL you? They were dead! They have been dead for years now~"

Your mind went bitter as you knew who was talking to you as of the moment. Laughing Jack, the clown that got you into the events that you were going through in the first place. You choked out something however it was cut off by the bile escaping from your mouth.

"You know my dear, it's rather interesting to see you losing your sanity more and more as I see you~" Laughing Jack mocked as he revieled himself in front of you his form looming over you, "What do you want from me!" You cried out through teary eyes. "Oh deary maybe I just like making you like this, then again maybe I am trying to get you to turn to your calling" he cackled out.

"Calling? What calling?!"

"Ah, you see if I told you right away the boss would have my neck"

You gritted your teeth as you sat up on your kneese looking up at the clown as you wiped the bit of bile away from your lip with your sleeve, "Your talking absolute fucking nonsense!" You sneered.

"Oh but I must correct you on that. You see. I'm not speaking nonsense at all"

(A/N: aaaand this idea is from AmlieDirringer for the idea that is coming up after the shout out. Love ya girl!(as a friend and a fan)..)

There was a long and awkward pause between you and the clown, your expression on your face was clearly mixed between shocked, disgust, and fear as the whole atmosphere was not just creepy but it was also that along the lines of even sinister at that. The taste of bile still stinging along the back of your throat as well as the lingering taste of it.

"You call me a bluffer and a lier, why not go up in the attic. See what is going on with your Cousin's room why don't ya"

This caused you to not only automatically become fearful of what you might find up there but to even think that you have lost your mind all this time to the point that you mixed reality with things that weren't real. You swallowed some silaiva that was forming in your mouth before bringing yourself to head up the worn out stairs, your hands grasping onto the rail beside the steps as if afraid to fall through the stairs. Each time you stepped there was the sound of creaking wood well, that was until you made your way to the door. Finally! Or maybe not. You could smell the stentch of rotting and decaying flesh creeping out from under the door leading to the attic room. Soon bringing yourself to open the door.

Your heart automatically sank as you saw what was out in front of you.

So many dead corpses. Way to many!

You then noticed something else other then the rotting corpses before you that seemed much more morbid then anything in the room and that was the seemingly man made throne that was asembled in chopped off hands, bones, limbs. Skin and you could imagine. The smell was horrible!

The intoxicating smell eventually caused you to pass out, causing you to fall through the floor of the attic and onto the floor of the 'living room'


(There is a cliffhanger here but I promise you all that it is all going to be worth it...!)

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