A/N: Read this please

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Dude wtf even are these comments in my book anymore, I'm about to delete the book all together at this rate. I'm sick and fucking tired of people literally saying the person that the reader is, is LITERALLY OF AGE and everyone else is all like "Oh its child p" BITCH ITS NOT... Though what makes me upset is that some people make it that way. I do not by any means think that child p is okay, I was literally m*****ed as a child when I was younger. The crap is disgusting, please stop. This is a literal warning as I'm not joking around about this anymore.

Pedophiles should literally be shot and put behind bars for life, just like those who literally are obviously doing criminal things that anyone would deem as a life in prison.

Please note that this is a fanfiction and that there are a ton of fanfictions out on the internet as well, in this book the reader is in high-school and of age (19 going on 20) within it as I have explained it a few times wither if it was within the comments or on one of the chapters or author notes (A/N for short), none of this crap is funny. I don't respect people trolling about serious things either. Go to therapy and seek help, don't be using the internet as a vent system

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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