Chapter 7: Murder Case

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After what had happened you didn't dare go downstairs to go to school the next day. Your mother and father were already up and getting ready for work when there came a knock on the front door by which your father had answered the door. Right there stood a tall man that was at least 6"7 inches tall wearing a police uniform which caused both of your parents to look at each other before looking back at the officer, "Hello officer what seems to be the problem?" Asked your father as he looked at the man.

"Hello mister and misses (L/N) I'm here to take your daughter in for questioning" Said the officer, his voice was raspy and deep.

"Did something happen?" Your mother chimed in as she was getting concerned.

"Yes. Yesterday there were three boys murdered in the boys bathroom of the school. Jeffrey Hoodin, Seth Roth, and Kevin Green. The camera footage showed that your daughter was pulled into the same bathroom as them only thing is that the footage didn't catch your daughter leaving the bathroom. The murder weapon had her fingerprints on it" The officer explained. Your father frowned at the news of what had happened and so did your mother, "You don't think that she did it right?" Your father stuttered. The officer answered with a nod, "We found her fingerprints on the murder weapon but we also found one of the boys fingerprints on the murder weapon as well" he replied.

"(Y/N)!!" Your father yelled your name from downstairs by which you frowned at. You knew what was about to happen. Fuck. You really screwed up this time.

You nervously brought yourself to get out of the comfort of your own bed since you were laying there practically all day. Soon bringing yourself downstairs and frowning as you saw the officer standing in the doorway, at that very moment you could swear that your heart was pounding so hard that your parents could actually hear it, "Yes?" You replied as you tried to hide the shakeiness in your tone of voice. The officer looked up at you, "(Y/N) We need to take you in for custody" he replied, shining the handcuffs in your general direction. You were now standing on the second to last step of the staircase. This man couldn't be serious. You having to deal with prison? That wouldn't go well at all especially for you. But you complied anyway since now you had no choice in the matter. The cops knew what happened possibly down to every single detail so you couldn't defend yourself even if you tried to. But that won't stop you from trying. You went down the final steps and walked to the officer, "I'll go with no trouble and I'll explain what happened but some of the things that happened are fuzzy to me" you explained. The cop nodded his head and put the hand cuffs over your wrists taking you out to the cop car and putting you into the back seat, closing the door and then going over to the driver side of the car getting in and driving you to the police station in absolute silence. No radio no nothing, just absolute silence.

(To be continued...)

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