Chapter 3: Weird feeling

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You woke up the next morning to the sight of your cat looking at you with his emerald green eyes, his fur as black as charcoal and a pitch black room. Turning to your alarm clock to look at the time as it was about 10:55 am on the dot. sitting up on your bed as you stretched your arms up to the ceiling. For some reason you had a feeling that it was going to be a weird day, sluggishly you bring yourself to get out of bed, looking back at the covers. You'll make your bed later before you leave today to go to your Cousin's grave with the family. Bringing yourself to walk out of your room and into the living room where both your parents were sitting on the couch with their eye's glued to the TV screen until you cleared your throat audibly enough for them to hear, startled a bit your mother looked over at you, "Oh hello there, honey. How are you feeling today?" She asked. You just frowned as if answering her with a no, "Hey um mom, did Isaac ever mention anything about an imaginary friend that was a clown?"

This caused your mother to give you a questionable look, "Yes. His mother mentioned that to me as it was happening actually.. Though to be fair it was very strange. One time he stated 'the clown did it' when a poor animal was killed in the backyard. Poor thing. But why do you want to know about such a thing as that, (Y/N)?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to know is all. It's just that I heard about that before but I wanted to see what you would say about it" You replied simply as you shrugged your shoulders.

"Oh well okay then. Oh if your hungry there are donuts in the kitchen on the counter, I know that its a bit off on time when we got them but since you were asleep we didn't want to wake you" Said your mother as she took a sip of her coffee.

You brought yourself to walk into the kitchen, as the sound of your bare feet smacking against the soft wooden floor. The shine on it was from the light that illuminated through the window of the kitchen itself, the window curtains had a light red velvet look to it as the white painted wall matched completely with anything else in the room. A medium sized clock hung from the wall. You walked over to the box of donuts and opened up the box, about 4 of your favorite donuts were in the box. Smiling to yourself as you took 2 donuts out of the box and then bringing yourself to sit down at the table to eat them. Though something felt odd, why did you feel like you were being watched with every single movement you made. Your (E/c) eyes looking around the room but seeing nothing. Weird. Ever since you got that music box weird things have been occuring. You woke up to some things being out of place in your room from where you last put them, you would hear the melody of pop goes the weasel in your head, you felt like you were being watched, things that didn't normally happen. You stayed silent as you ate the two donuts jumping out of your skin as you heard the same sinister cackle that you heard before, from that clown you presume.

"Are you okay honey?" Your mother asked out of concern as she noticed that you seemed on edge.

You looked over at her nodding quickly, "Y-yeah I'm okay" was all you said before going to your room once more.

This caused both of your parents to exchange looks with one another. What in the hell is actually happening. As soon as you walked into your room once more you closed the door behind you and then checked yourself in the mirror bringing both of your index fingers to the bottom of your eyelids and stretching them down. Then smacking your cheeks to make sure that you weren't still half asleep. There you saw it again, the clown as it stood behind you looming over your small form which caused you to freeze in place of where you stood practically paralyzed from moving anywhere at all, "Wh-what do you want from me?" You asked in a shakey tone of voice which caused the clown to cackle out of amusement, "What do I want? Perhaps I want you to be my friend my dear~"

"Me? Be friends with a sedistic fuck like yourself?"


"Oh but you see, dear Isaac had me as a friend. An imaginary friend at that. He ended up abandoning me and forgot about me. He showed me how it feels to be forgotten and to be of no use anymore.. So I showed him 'something' of my very own~"

You tensed up even more, "What did you do to him" you whispered in a yelling tone.

"I had my own fun with him~" he started with a chuckle, "I killed your cousin, Isaac"

(To be continued...)

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