ch. 11

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Talia's POV

I keep running. I'm scared. I want to get out of this place. Please. I make turns and eventually reach a village. I look around and everybody is staring at me. Leave me alone! is what I want to scream. But no words come over my mouth. I can feel their gazes burning holes in my body. I start running again and just want to sink into the ground.
I run into a market and bump into multiple stalls without turning around.
People are screaming at me for a lot of things.
My head feels dizzy and I stop for a moment to take a breather.
I sit down and start breaking down. Who am I? What am I?
My head feels like it's gonna pop at any second. I cry silently and sit there for a few hours until I hear footsteps coming my way.
I look up and see it is a guy with blood red eyes.
While wiping my tears away, I ask him "something wrong...?" He looks at me and starts laughing.
"You are an interesting human, Talia. I am not here to hurt you. For now. I would like you to meet the rest of my people." I look at him confused and ask "your people?"
He chuckles and walks away while saying "follow me."
I follow him and we walk into an alley. I look around, confused.

A/n I'm sorry to say this but this will be the last chapter I post for this book. My reasoning for this will follow shortly.

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