ch. 8

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Talia's POV
I open my eyes and feel that I am not a wolf anymore. I look around me and see that I am in the hospital wing again. Masky is sleeping in a chair next to my bed. So cute. I quietly stand up and get some clothes. I am in my human form. (Clothes picture above) I quietly open the door and walk to Slendy's study. I walk in and ask him about the magic training. He looks up and smiles "we can start now." We walk outside and he says that every entity has his own magic. He has his tendrils. I try a lot of things but nothing works.
I get angry and frustrated. I just wanted it to work. I don't feel the coldness but I can see the snow on the ground. Why is it snowing? Its not fucking winter. I looked at my hands and saw that they had a wight glow.
Slendy looked at me with a pleased look. "Child, now try changing again. I think you can change into certain animals. Winter animals." I tried changing into a wolf again, but instead I changed into a snow owl. Okay. That needs practising. I made a snowball out of thin air. I tried making another one. I made a fireball. I floated in the air. And I moved some earth. 
Eventually I decided I should test my powers in combat. I left my bow and arrows inside, so I could train magic. Slendy said he would get someone for me to fight against. I try some more magic until Slendy walks out with Jeff. Really. He looks at me with a bored look. All of a sudden he charges me. I dodge his attack and grab his arm. I swing his arm into a lock. I freeze his arm to his back and push him to the ground. He looks up with a pissed out tone. I release him and he breaks the ice. I make a bow and arrows out of ice and shoot at him. He dodges them all except the last one. It hits him and his arm starts changing into ice. He charges at me again and I push him to the ground. Easy kill.
Slendy stops us and orders me to stop Jeff changing into ice. I try stopping it but it doesn't work. The only thing I do is make the process quicker. I begin to panic for the first time. I don't have any control on this. He will turn into ice and it will be all my fault. I begin to tear up. When I let a tear fall it shattered on the ground. My tears turn into ice. I am not using the right magic.
I walk back to Jeff and see his lower body is frozen already. I use fire to melt the ice. When I am finished he looks pissed off. But he does nothing. He walks off and leaves me alone. I sigh and walk upstairs. I sit in the corner of my room and cry. Cry till my tears feel like my eyes would pop. I just couldn't stop. The tears kept flowing and the pain was unbearable. I lost my parents. My sister. I don't know who my brother became. I am lost. And I can't fix it.
I grab a knife and start cutting. One cut, now two cuts, then three and four. I want to be able to control the pain I feel inside.
Every fucking thing is my fault. I keep cutting without caring if I die. I don't care anymore. My life sucks. I walk to my desk and take out two pages. One for Masky. One for Jack. I write what I think is the best thing to say and walk out. I turn into a wolf and run and run and run.....

Masky's POV
I walk to her room to ask her if she wants to come down with me. I open her door. But she isn't there. I run to my room in a panic. I don't want to lose her again. She is almost everything I have. I can't lose her.
When I reach my room I see she isn't here. I look around and see a paper on my desk. I start reading it and with every word I get more disheveled. I read it again and just can't believe what she wrote me.

Dear Masky,
I am so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. You were the one who plucked me from the streets. Literally. I just want to say I love you and that what I am about to do, is because it hurt too much. I just wanted control about the pain I feel inside.
I love you.
Yours sincerely,

I was shaking and without warning I ran out of my room. Before I could reach Slendy, I bumped into Jack.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." I mumbled. He looked at me and the only thing he replied was "you got a letter as well , didn't you?" I nodded and we walked to Slendy. We burst in and told about the letters. He looked concerned and we all went searching. Again. I went to the lake, but she wasn't there. We searched everywhere when I found a cave and went in. On the walls was blood. I ran through and found her on the ground. She was soaked in blood. Her own blood. A knife clutching into her fist. I wanted to pick her up when she spoke up with a small, broken voice. "Leave me. Please. I am only a pain for everyone." That was all she said before she began drooling. I picked her up and carried her to the mansion to the hospital wing. Jack was already waiting there. He looked as if he would break in pieces if she didn't make it. I put her on one of the beds and nurse anne came in and gave her and Talia some privacy.
I waited until she was finished and the first thing she said as that she wouldn't wake up for at least a week.
I stayed by her side everyday. I won't let her go through this alone....

A/n thank you for the support guys. I just wanted to say school is coming close and I won't have a lot of time when school starts because of a testweek coming up. Thank you all
~the lonely

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