ch. 10

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Sue's POV

I wake up of a buzzing in my ear. I look around and find myself in a hospital wing. Next to Talia. She is still asleep. I hope she wakes up soon. Then I can talk to her.
I look at the masked man. He fell asleep very late.
I walk around the bed to Jack, but he is also asleep. I sigh and leave the room.
I wanted to walk downstairs, but this place is like a maze. I feel like I am walking in circles. I see a door with the name 'study' on it. I knock on the door, and it flies open. Inside is a tall, faceless man. I look at him and my head gets dizzy. I look away and regain my posture. "Come in, child. I've been waiting for you." He says. I walk in and look around. The study is a big place with a lot of books and a desk in the middle of the room. I love reading books, so I was shocked in seeing so many books. I grabbed one that locked my eye. The title of the book is the book thief. I read it multiple times. Its a book about the war and a girl who stole books for a living. I put it back and turned to face the faceless creature. He begins to talk to me. "My name is the slenderman. I look after everyone here. Do you have any questions, my child?" I have a lot of questions, but one is pushing forward to be answered. I've had this question for a long time. "What am I?" I sputter. He sighs and stays quiet.

He answers, but not an answer that I wanted. "You're nothing, my child. you're something between dead and alive, but you aren't a wraith. You died, and came back as nothing but a mind. That's why normal people walk through you." He finishes his sentence and I just want to cry. He can't answer my question. Who can. I don't know. The only thing I can do is accept that I will never know what I am.
I walk out of his study without any permission. I need some air. I run outside and run to the back of the mansion. I see some graves. And at one someone is sitting there. He's smoking something. I walk up to him and sit next to him. He tenses up and doesn't turn my way. I just sit there and say nothing.
He turns his head and turns back. He keeps looking at that grave. I read the reading it says. "Anna...?" I stared at it for a while, he stands up. I tore my gaze off of the cross and looked him walk way. He looked a lot like Link from Zelda. He saw me and stood still a few feet away from me. "H-hi... uh... my name is Sue." I stumbled with my words. He turned his gaze towards the grave, and back at me. I wanted to sink into the ground. to dissapear like I did a few years ago. "What are you doing at that grave??" "I-I'm sorry. Was she y-your girlfriend? S-sorry to i-intrude." my apologies only made the situation only more awkward. "my name's Ben. Her name was Anna." He looks at it as if it could bring her back. I know how it feels. I say nothing and only put an hand on his shoulder. He dumps the sigarette on the ground and walks away. I stand there and stare at the grave. He must have really loved her. 

Talia's POV

my heads fuzzy. I can't feel my body. am I dead. I slowly open my eyes and look around. This place is familiar, but I can't remember what from. I look around and see someone lying with his head on the bed. He's familiar too. gahhh. everything's familiar but I can't place it. I look around some more and stand up. I walk to the pile with clothes and a memory flashes by. Its the same place, but the guy is not here. I walk around some more because my legs are sore. Somehow. I hear the door, that was at the other end of the place, open. I stiffen in my place...

Sue's POV

I walk into the hospital wing and freeze. She's awake. She looks at me with a face written in confusion and concern. I try walking up to her, but with every step I go forward, she goes backwards. "T, its me. Sue. Please" she keeps taking steps back until she hits the wall. She looks at me with fear written on her face. What's going on? Masky wakes up and looks at us both. He looks at Talia with a expression of relief, that immediately changes in one of pain and confusion. "Leave me alone! What do you want!" Talia keeps screaming. She presses her body against the wall. I run up to her and hug her. "Please, its me." I sob in her shirt. She does nothing. I pull back and she backs away to the corner of the room while frantically looking around for an escape.
She locks her eyes with something and I follow her gaze. She is staring at the knife that is lying the table a few feet from her. We both run for the knife and she grabs it and waves it around. I try to pry it from her hands, but it only made her more anxious. She attacks me and I dodge her attacks. "Please T, its me!" She keeps attacking me and I keep dodging. Masky is frozen in his spot, unable to move. Talia goes for an upper blow, and I dodge it but she reacts quickly and stabs me in the stomach. I fall to the ground and she backs away in fear. Masky finally moves and drops in front of me and puts pressure on the wound. Talia keeps backing away from us. I cough up some of my blood and the last thing I see is Jack running into the room and dropping in front of me...

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