ch. 7

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Talia's POV

I wake up because of a loud noise from downstairs. I look at the clock and it is 6 am. Sigh. I take a quick shower and put clean clothes on (clothing above). I walk downstairs and see that Masky is here.
"What are you doing downstairs Masky?" He looks up with a bewildered look.
"S-sorry that I-I woke you." He hesitates to go on, but eventually talks on. "I wanted to show you something. I didn't know the noise would wake you." My face goes red. He wants to show me something. "Follow me." Is the last thing he says before walking off. I follow him into the balcony.
On the balcony, is a table with candles. I sit down and Masky does as well. He begins to speak in a very soft tone. As if he is scared of what my reaction will be. "Do you like it...? I wanted to ask if you wanted to..." he pauses in his sentence and never finished it. "Of course I would like to have a dinner with you." I reply. I have a nice meal and we talk a lot. After we are finished Masky says he has a surprise for me. We walk to the open space with the lake and lie down. Above me are a thousand stars twinkling. I gape in awe. I have never seen something more beautiful.
I see the sun rise and I look at Masky. He looks me in the eyes and he says something I never knew he was going to say. "Do you want to be my girlfriend...?" He waits for an answer and I say yes. I grab his hand and we watch the sunrise.


I stand in front of the mansion waiting for the change-over to happen. I look Masky in the eyes and feel as if I don't deserve his love. I want to hold him but I am afraid I will hurt him.
All of a sudden white light engulfs my vision. When I open my eyes, I see that I am in a weird place. I see a gate with light and a abyss. In front of me is a man, but I can't see his face because it is concealed with a cloak.
He begins to talk and his voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard. "You will have to make a choice. Either you will be a demon or an angel. If you choose to become an angel, you will lose every memory of your past, but you will live happily with your loved ones. If you choose to become a demon, you will have to kill to survive and you will lose your love, but you will keep your memories of the past. Its your choice."
I think about my new relationship with Masky. About the memories of my past. About everyone I love. I don't want to lose them. ""Isn't there a alternative way?" I ask. The only reply I get is a shrug. Great.
I look at the abyss and think of something my mother learned me. 'When the world falls into darkness, some people have the courage to lead it out, your one of those people..... Face the abyss..... but don't let it consume you....' I look at the abyss and decide what I have to do. I walk forward and fall into the abyss. I hope I made the right choice. When I open my eyes, I see that there are two doors in the abyss. I look at both doors. Those doors are the only way outside, but I feel that none of those doors is the right decision. I walk away and darkness fades my vision. When I open my eyes again I see that I am still in the abyss, but there is a patch of light. I walk to the light and I know that I just made my choice. I am a fallen angel.
I open my eyes once again and see that I am back at the mansion. I walk inside and look in a mirror. I look like a elf, but different. (Picture is her. She can change into the wolf in picture)

 She can change into the wolf in picture)

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I try using magic, but with no avail. I walk to Slendy's study and knock on the door. I hear a soft 'come in' and walk inside. When he sees me, he smiles. I stay quiet and he speaks up. "We will start learning magic tomorrow. You first have to get used to being a entity."
I walk to my room and feel like I have to train to get uses to it. I grab my bow and walk outside.
I start punching some trees and feel that my reflexes have improved a lot, and when I was finished half of the tree was gone. Oops. I went on shooting arrows and puncturing another tree. I feel like I need to sneeze and when I look up, it looks like I just shrinked. I can feel I am walking on four legs. Strange. I tried walking back to the mansion. Keyword: tried. Before I could even get close I heard Sally scream "A WOLF. A WOLF!!" So that is what I am. I saw Slendy coming out of the front door. He looks bored. He walks up to me as if he wants to hurt me. I make a small bark to say I am scared. I try running away, but before I can move one foot, he envelops me in his tendrils. The last thing I see is Slendy his tendril enveloping my vision......

A/n thanks for all the support on the story and if you have any plot you think will happen, let me know
~the lonely

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