43. Chapter - Stabbed in the Back

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My ears were ringing, and hot unforgiving rage spread throughout my whole body. I couldn't remember how long it had been since I was this angry. The anger filling every fiber of my body was almost too much to handle, but I managed. Getting mad first thing in the morning was never a good start of a day.

"What did you just say?" I asked, seething. There was a point where something was too much, and that was exactly the situation I was in at the moment. Those few words that sounded through the other line made my whole world shake. I could see our possible future right in front of my eyes, and it was the path I didn't want to follow.

"I said-"

"That was a rhetorical question, Victor. I'm not deaf." My voice was cold, full of undisguised anger and disbelief.

He couldn't be serious. It took me several seconds to acknowledge what he had said, and even then, it all seemed like a bad joke. Was he seriously always this stupid? There were occasions when I thought there was something wrong with his head while we were still together, but it was never this bad. It was usually just the way he dealt with some situations that seemed to be problematic. Comparing it to the situation now, it got either worse, or I didn't know him as well as I had thought.

"Don't exaggerate. You knew this was coming. What does it matter whether it's today or in a month? The sooner the better, right?" He sounded almost amused, which pissed me off even more. I squeezed the phone to the point of it hurting, biting down on my tongue to calm down a little. Thank god I was at home. I couldn't imagine having this conversation in a public space. If someone saw me in this state, they would most likely call the cops because I had to look like I was about to kill someone.

"Victor," I started, going into the kitchen to pour myself something to drink. My mouth was suddenly too dry to speak. "I'm going to say it only once, so listen carefully." Taking a sip, frowning at the burning in my throat, I took a deep breath.

"Get your shit together. If you really want to be part of Matt's life, grow the fuck up. You've been wagging your tail whenever your father whistled, and you're doing it even now. But this is different."

I jumped a little when Joshua curled his arms around my waist but was immediately overcome by his warmth, part of the anger controlling me melting away. It wasn't enough to stop my outburst, though.

"You are a fucking adult so act like it. This is not about your father. This is about your potential relationship with your son. If you plan on following your father's plan and you will leek the information about having a son to the press today, we're done. You'll never see Matthias again. I will move to a different country on a different continent if that is what it takes to get away from a pathetic man like you. A man who is unable to make his own decisions!" I hung up, closing my eyes and fully leaning into Josh's hug. Feeling his hot breath in my hair, I breathed in, his scent calming me down immediately. Just being this close to him, enjoying his gentle touches, gave me reassurance that everything would be fine, even though it didn't look like that at all.

"This was a mistake. I cannot believe he wants to let the whole world know he has a five-year-old son even though they saw each other only twice. What's wrong with him?" I mumbled, trying not to think about how it would influence our lives if he really did as his father wanted.

"Everything's going to be okay. You were badass. He would be an idiot if he let the word out after what you told him." He turned me around, so I ended up facing him. I wasn't able to suppress the smile that tugged on my lips when I saw his disheveled appearance. It reminded me of the previous night, and despite my sour mood moments ago, I felt a pleasant tickling in my lower abdomen.

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