30. Chapter - Terrible Timing

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The whole scene in front of me seemed like a scene from a movie. And even though I knew hell was about to break free, all I could do was stand still, barely breathing.

"What are you doing here, to make trouble again? One would think you've done enough." Josh's voice was cold. He was standing in front of me, shielding me from Victor with his broad back, and I couldn't be more grateful to him.

Why did Victor have to show up at this moment? Joshua was finally back, and all I wanted to do was spend some quality time with him. Just enjoy his presence, relax a bit. My ex disturbing this time was the worst.

"Now, now. What about we all calm down and sit down somewhere to talk? I'm here, so there's no reason to be so tense!" sounded right after the door opened again, and my mood went down even more. Like hell she would calm everyone down. She wasn't any better than Victor.

"And who might you be?" My not-so-calm man asked, his shoulders tensing even more. I could see he was too distressed, and if it continued, something bad would definitely happen. Choosing to step out for that reason, I touched his arm gently, squeezing it a little bit.

"It's okay, Josh." I looked up, smiling at him, my lips twitching a bit.

"That's his fiancée, Alison." I sighed, starting to feel a tad bit irritated. Josh had no idea Victor knew about Matty, and I wanted to tell him when we got back home, so we could actually talk about it in peace. These two coming here meant he would find out now. Which wasn't good. Which wasn't good at all.

"I don't know why you are here, but before we talk, I need a minute." I grabbed Josh's hand and dragged him to the kitchen with me, telling Mel to get Victor with Alison seated somewhere in the corner. I didn't need unwanted company when we would be having the talk.

I managed to glace at Charlie to see if he was okay, and was surprised he actually kept a smile and continued serving the customers. He was a bit tense in the shoulders, and his face was a bit paler than before, but it was a huge improvement since the last time. The new guy had to have a great influence on him.

"What's going on, Ollie?" Joshua asked when the door closed behind us, looking at me with confused eyes.

I hated this situation. If it was anyone else, I would just tell them to leave so I could have enough time to explain everything to Josh, but this was Victor we were talking about. He wouldn't leave even if fire broke out in the café.

I sighed, frustration creeping in. I really didn't know where to start, there were just too many things to explain, and not enough time. Mulling it over for a while, I decided to start with the worst one. It can get only better when the worst one is out of the way, right?

"He knows about Matt." Running my hand through my hair, all agitated, I went over to the only sitting area in the kitchen, and sat down. It was weird, but all of a sudden, I felt so tired it was almost impossible to keep my eyes opened. All the stress from the past week had been piling up, and even though Josh was a great reliever, it was not enough at the moment.

"What am I supposed to do, Joshua? I just-" His strong arms wrapped around me, hugging me so tightly it hurt for a second.

"It's going to be okay. I have no idea what's going on, but it seems like you went through a lot of trouble while I was gone. I'm sorry for not being here for you, Oliver."

A sight of relief left my lips, my arms going around his shoulders. I really didn't know what I would do if I didn't have him by my side. He was like my guardian angel.

"I wanted to talk about it after we got home. Why does he keep on ruining everything?" I murmured, leaning against his arm.

I would give anything for this moment to last a bit longer. He was giving me strength just by being here with me, but it was impossible. There was a big problem sitting in my café, and I had to take care of it before it exploded into a bigger mess.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now