34. Chapter - Side effect to love

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The rest of the day was like a nightmare. After Victor left the shop, Matthias was too energetic to my liking, and was basically unstoppable. He kept on running around the tables, speaking about our planned meeting, and how much he was looking forward to seeing his father, and I was at my wits end. I was exhausted just by hearing about it. Knowing the meeting was actually happening was something I refused to acknowledge for as long as possible. And I was sure I would keep this attitude until the very night before the actual event. And then, I would break down. A pattern I'd experienced so many times before I was almost one hundred percent sure it would be exactly like that. I knew myself too well.

When we finally wrapped everything up in the shop and I got back home with already drowsy Matt in my arms, I was ready to go to bed. I was feeling a dull pressure in my head signaling I was about to get a headache, and my churning stomach, not sure if hungry or sick, wasn't making the situation any better. I hadn't felt so stressed in a long time, and all the pressure made me feel ten years older. A feeling I didn't like one bit. 

Opening the door, a delicious spicy smell hit my nose, and I couldn't help but smile despite all the negativity. My stomach growled a bit louder, this time definitely hungry, and I hurried inside in expectations of delicious food. Josh never disappointed when it came to cooking. A wife every men wished for. I chuckled, shaking my head at my absurd thoughts. I really needed a good rest.

Laying Matty down in one of the chairs we had in the hall, I put away my jacket and keys, waking the big boy up so he could take his sweatshirt off too. He was a bit cranky, but that made him look like a sleepy grouchy teddy bear, and I had to suppress a need to take a photo of him. I seriously didn't want to become one of those parents who took photos of their children every other minute and put all of them on social media. It was ridiculous and dangerous, and even though I had an urge to show my boy off, I managed to keep these needs on tight leash.

"We are home, honey. Take of your sweatshirt and shoes. Josh cooked us something delicious." I smiled, waiting for him to finish and taking him back in my arms. I was spoiling him too much, but he was my first child and too cute to leave him alone. There was no way I could restrain myself in this area.

Slowly walking towards the kitchen, I saw Josh moving around the table, laying out dishes, his apron still on. It was a plain green apron, noting special or overly sexy, but he still looked hot in it. What men didn't look hot while cooking for their family?

He was humming, smiling like an idiot, and I was overcame by a sudden warmth spreading inside of my whole being. It were times like these I felt an overwhelming love for Joshua it almost hurt. Sometimes, I wondered why it was that love hurt so much from time to time even though we were happy. Was it a tax to pay in exchange for feeling contented? Or was it more of a side effect similar to when our bellies hurt after laughing too much?

I stood there, watching him for several more second before Matt wiggled in my hands and brought me back from my daydreaming. Shaking the feeling off, I continued on our way in. My chest ached, my body unable to wait any longer to touch my man.

Upon entering the kitchen, Joshua's head snapped in our direction, a wide smile spreading on his lips. His whole face lit up, and if it wasn't for Matt in my arms, I would be jumping in his. I seriously needed a Josh-night right about now.

"Welcome home. How are you?" he asked, putting the apron away immediately and coming right up to us, ruffling Matt's hair and pecking my lips in a welcoming kiss.

We talked a bit over the phone after Victor left, but it wasn't enough at all. We couldn't really discuss the matter over the phone. That was too impersonal, and I needed to see his face when talking to him about such an important issue. That way, I could see what he was feeling. His emotions would portray on his face, and I could react appropriately. That was simply impossible over the phone, and he knew it too. That was why our conversation lasted only a bit over two minutes and we talked about this specific topic only superficially.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now