Chapter 27

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I felt bad for Amanda. Really bad, but I had to tell her. And I felt this weird feeling again. But this time I was disappointed in both Izzy and John. John! The one I thought I could trust. I felt how my body lightened after we got home. Amanda sat down on the couch and I was preparing some hot chocolate for us to calm down. She told me she drank it whenever she's sick or in a bad mood so I thought I would give it a go.

I brought the cups into the living room and put them on the couch table in front of Amanda and myself.
Amanda looked at me with tears in her eyes and her cheeks puffy. I immediately pulled her into a hug and she began sobbing into my shoulder. She let out everything.
I patted her back and pulled her closer. I felt the urge to protect her. Her fragrance filled my nose and my stomach was making backflips, my mind going completely blank. It was just me and her, so close to each other, I could feel her warmth. My hand found its way into her hair, pressing her further in my shoulder. "Let it out Amanda. I'm here for you." I said and the sobbing stopped for a second, she looked up at me. Her eyes locking with mine and I could swear there was a tiny shimmer in them. I was completely lost and I didn't want to look away, but I noticed how Amanda laid her hand on my cheek and leaned towards me. What is she doing?!

Her eyes closed midway and she stopped not even a centimeter in front of my lips, looking me in the eyes one last time, before she brought our lips together. At first I hesitated, but I slowly drowned in the temptation. Her soft lips moving against mine and her hands in my hair, holding me in place.
After a few seconds she pulled away and rested her forehead against mine, breathing heavy. "Thank you Liz." She whispered and smiled. "A-Amanda you just kissed me?!" I stuttered. Is she still drunk?

"I know. I wanted to do that since we first kissed in that stupid game." She said and pulled away, sitting cross legged on the couch staring at me. "But what about Izzy?" I asked bluntly and she flinched at her name, said out loud. "She...okay listen. Our relationship broke apart a year ago. I was thinking about leaving her. I didn't felt the same around her and then the fights started. We fought about the stupidest stuff and eventually it was enough for me. I still liked her, but not in that way. I didn't wanted to break up with her, since she was the only one, that understood me, but now I have you and I can't trust her anymore. I mean the things she did. Even to you. I feel bad and I don't want to interact with her after that thing." Amanda began and I felt how her strength came back.

I encouraged her to talk more. "I was kinda acting around her and pretending that I loved her, but I wasn't and then she started to talk about you a lot. I got interested in you and your personality. I followed you on insta and Twitter to see who you are and what you're up to. That's also why I wanted to go to that con. I knew you were there and I could finally see you in person. Then when our eyes met the first time I saw a shine in your eyes and I knew I was slowly falling for you." She finished and looked down on her hands. My eyes never left hers during that confession. She was falling for me? Wait what?!

I took a sip from my now half cold chocolate and placed it into my lap. I cleared my throat. "I think I need to tell you something." I began and her eyes were once again on me.
"I- ugh how do I say that without being weird? I well, I felt the same way. Like the first time I saw you it was like an angel was in front of me smiling at me. I felt the urge to become close with you and I wanted to know you. I was jealous whenever you were with Izzy or when I saw you two kissing." Liz said a weight lifting from her shoulders. Amanda growled. „Don't remind me of that. I hated kissing her, thought. It felt so wrong to me." she said and looked away.
„I know how you felt. I'm truly sorry that you had to put up with her for so long." I said and took her hand. "I'm here now. You can trust me." I said and she smiled.

It knocked on the door and both me and Amanda went to open the door.

Knock knock
Who's there?
Find it out in the next chapter ->

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