Chapter 25

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She tightened her grip on my hands one last time and put them onto my wrist and the kiss was getting more intense. I tasted the alcohol. Her scent invited me to explore her, but her strength didn't allow that. She licked over my bottom lip to ask for entrance, which I gladly gave her and our tongues danced together. A fight of dominance arosed, which of course she won, since she definitely was stronger than me. I felt how she left my wrists with one of her hands, which slowly found their way down my neck and my body. She caressed my waist. She then pulled away, biting her lips. „Your so hot Todoroki." she said. Clearly the alcohol was speaking, it didn't matter in this moment. I just wanted to be touched more by her.

Just as she could read my mind, her lips came back and they moved in sync with mine. When Izzy knew what her girlfriend was doing with me right now.
Amanda slid her hand down my breast and stomach and stopped on my inner tight. Then a knock on the door interrupted us.
Amanda stopped and got away from me, licking my neck one last time and giving me a small love bite. After that she got out of the room, leaving me speechless and panting. I was a blushing mess as I got up and locked in the mirror. What had she done to me? I asked myself and slowly got back to the others.

The others just looked at me and then continued with whatever they were just doing. I sat down at the bar again. I left the game. That just a few seconds again was to intense and I didn't wanted to go with someone else in there. Amanda must have left too, as she was getting another drink and sitting down next to me. She licked her teeth. Stop that's too hot! I thought and looked away from her. I felt how her eyes never left my body and I felt so weird. I still could taste her on my lips and her touch on my body. How gentle she was.

I caught myself glancing over to her sometimes. She wasn't looking at me all the time, but I often felt her eyes scanning over my body. The time past and I saw how Izzy and John left the party, aswell as Nicole and Rae. I was getting tired as the minutes past and felt how my body got heavier. I stumbled to my bedroom and opened the door, hoping to see John, but what I saw was shocking. I immediately closed the door again and tried to ran over to Amanda's room. She wasn't opening when I knocked so I just got in and saw her sleeping on the bed. Her clothes were everywhere but on her. Is she naked? I asked myself and I slowly walked over to the side. I need to tell her!

I stopped in front of her and just looked at her. She's so cute, when she's asleep. Suddenly a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bed. Amanda laid her arms around me and pulled me closer. Then I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. She wasn't naked. But still, this wasn't right. But I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I got comfortable, embraces with her warmth and fell asleep, dreaming of her and our first kiss.
I haven't felt like this in years.


The next day I woke up with a terrible headache and Amanda still cuddling with me. We were so close together, I thought I was dreaming. The kiss last night was amazing. She's so beautiful. Oh no! Maybe I have something for her or is that just the after effect of the alcohol?
Fuck I forgot. I need to tell her now!
I slowly tried to sat up, but she pulled me closer. My head was so close to her breast. Her warmth radiated over me. I was in heaven. Her breathing was evenly and her eyes looked gorgeous even though their were closed.
I decided to wake her. „Amanda dear. You need to get up." I whispered and her eyes opened. I was lost in them. I couldn't explain why, but I could see the stars in her eyes, shining bright and illuminating the darkness.
„What time is it? I want to sleep." she turned and pushed her face into the pillow. „It's currently 9:30. Come on, we need to get up and catch up with the others. It's breakfast time. Also I need to tell you something really important." Amanda yawned and growled I response. She looked back at me. „Okay then tell me."
„I will just tell you what I saw, okay. Please don't yell until I finished. And you should probably sit up straight. She did as I told her and looked at me confused. „So start." She said.
I cleared my throat and began to talk.


What did Liz saw? Read and find out ->

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