Chapter 4

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3rd person

The booth of John and Liz really paid off. You can clearly see that Liz had a name amongst the cosplay world. As the time passed by Liz had taken over 100 Photos and nearly sold out everything at the first day at con. Not to mention, what will happening tomorrow if it would turn out like today. They received some presents, letters and special donations. At 5.45 p.m. they started to go to the Q&A with Izzy and Amanda. In before hand they were asked if they wanna hold this together and nobody had problems with that. Because of this they were given a bigger 'hall' for the panel.

All of them sat don at 6 p.m. and greeted their fans. The little hall as crowded and many phones were raised. Even professional cameras were to be seen. It was a special event so it is not questionable. Some of the questions were indeed the same but all of them answered them without being angry or spicy in their answer and smiled it off. John was often asked if he had a girlfriend and some questions of his characters side. Liz was asked about her upcoming plans on collaborations with some of her friends for cosplays or cmvs. Amanda was asked a lot about her daily life and how she is so good with make-up and her outfits. And then there was Izzy and the one question close to the end of the panel.

,, Are you and Amanda in a relationship? Some fans often speculate it and you two were seen hanging out a lot and very..uhm close.", Liz nearly spit her water out as she was hearing the question. Izzy on the other hand smiled and looked at Amanda. ,,It is time to clear the bullets. Yes we are in a relationship for about a year now.", they gave each other a little kiss as proof. John and Liz looked at each other with blank face. They were shocked. Izzy never mentioned Amanda not to say that she has a girlfriend or is even in the lgbt community. The audience went wild while Liz smiled it away. Smiled away the pain of betrayel, sadness and just angryness. She really didn't know how to react to this spicy new and a little bit late information.

After the Q&A was over they went off and left the hall together. Liz dind't even thought about talking to Izzy or Amanda. John tried to calm her, because he knew Izzy and Liz are bestfriends but it was a mistake not to tell Liz from everything going on in her life. ,, Please talk to me. You arent't angry with me.", John begged and whispered to Liz. As they rechead their changing room she turned to John. ,, I am so upset and angry. I can't talk right know.", Amanda laid her eyes on Liz and followed her words. Amanda then took her to her side. ,, What do you want!?", it was hearable that Liz was very angry and she even stepped away a bit from Amanda. ,,Listen, I am very sorry that Izzy didn't tell you, but I hope you can talk about it with her. I believe she didnt mean to do so.", she smiled and laid a hand on Liz shoulders, giving her a deep stare into the eyes. ,, Please don't be mad at her. I was with her all the time maybe that was the problem why she didn't talk to you. She just wanted to wait for the right moment, you know? Liz, you are a nice person. I don't know you well yet, but if I believe what Izzy told me and showed me, you are a really kind person which is always there for friends. At least, I just ask you to don't go to hard on her for this. I will change now. It was a pleasure meeting you. See you tomorrow."

Amanda left behind a spechless Liz. Deep down Liz knew she was right. ,, Are you coming Liz?", john interrupted the thoughts of liz, they changed and they went out for food before heading back to the hotel. For dinner both of them had decided to get take away at KFC. ,, There is nothing that could lighten your mood more than food, especially a crispy chicken.", John said sitting with the window down, waiting for their order. Liz smiled at the words of him and calmed a bit trying to put the bad thoughts aside. ,, You are right.".
They were given the food and drove back to their hotel.


Oh no. A fight? Izzy.. what did you do there?

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