Chapter 12

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A smell of shampoo was waking me. I opened my eyes slowly, not moving my head or any thing and just thought about yesterday. Was it really worth it to fight with Izzy? Of course not, but Izzy should have trusted me more. Slowly, I looked around. my eyes must be swollen or something. They hurt very much. Did I cried in the sleep? ,,Oh, you are awake!", Liz greeted me. ,,Morning", my voice was so itchy and I just wanted to lay in bed all day. ,,How did you sleep?", Liz turned fully around to me. ,,Uhm..well thanks!", she looked closely at me. ,,Is everything alright?", no. Not at all. ,,I don't know. I just don't want to get up. I don't want to see her.", I turned my face to the other side and putted my blanket over myself. ,,I got you your cosplay.", she must be smiling. ,,You..what!?", I stood up and sat myself at the edge of the bed. ,,I told John to bring one for you around so you don't have to go to your hotel and see your girlfriend, you know?", she was a bit shy and unsure about what I would say i think. I could hear it in her voice. ,, I am sorry. I didn't wanted to choose one for you but here is your Lance cosplay.", she continued. ,,Wow! thats so nice of you!", that lit up my mood. ,,Really. You didn't had to do that, Liz!", she smiled. ,,I believe I had to do so. We are now like friends, or what do you think?", I smiled.

,,It would be my pleasure!", we laughed. ,,Seriously, thanks for everything. Would you mind if I shower?", she agreed to it. ,, Great. See you in 20 minutes. Ah, and do you have a Shirt for me?", she nodded and handed me over an oversized shirt. ,,I am a bit smaller than you and thats the only thing i have that would fit you in my bag.", I did a bow. ,,I am sure it will fit me perfectly.", I winked at her and walked in the bathroom. ,,Be fast or we are coming late to breakfast and con!", she screamed a bit behind me.

After I had showered, I felt 1000 times better than before. I bend my hair to a plait. The shirt fitted really good. As I stepped outside I nearly collided with Liz. She was searching something in the closet across from the bathdoor. ,,I am ready to go!", I said amused about how the scenery looked. ,,Give me one minute!", she got out a jacket. ,,Here for you!", it shocked me a bit at how kind she was. ,,Thanks but-", she interrupted me. ,,Please take it. I don't want you to catch a cold or something. It's a bit cold at the dinning room.", I took it and wore it. It smelled like Liz. It was a calming smell and I dived into the jacket. ,,Lucky you, that I have some oversized clothes with me for my comfort."She said and opened the door for us. I got out and she followed behind me, closing the door. "Did you got the keycard?" I nodded. "Yes I thought I take it before we forget it." Liz nodded and we walked to the elevators. It took 2 minutes before we finally got into one, but there were so many people. Liz and I had to stand really close to each other. Her warmth radiated to me and her smell got into my nose. Once again I calmed down a bit more.

The elevator came to a stop on the main floor and we got out as quickly as possible, several people followed us. We all got to the dining room, where many different breakfast options were served. Everything was beautiful and looked absolutely delicious. It was better than in Izzy's and my hotel.
The room was filled with a massive crowd and I already searched for a table to sit at. I found one after a few minutes. Liz was already taking her food and I followed right behind her, waiting for something interesting to show up. After a bit, a giant plate with bread, cheese, sausages and jam on it. I took two slices of the bread and some cheese. On the other one I would put some strawberry marmalade and something that have to be in my breakfast was a coffee. Even though I really wanted to go to Starbucks for that.

As we picked our food and got to the table I saw, we sat down and began to eat. We talked about the con and so much stuff. I haven't talked and smiled this much in a while.

Guess we have to wait for the next chapter.

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