Chapter 2

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3rd person

Liz and John followed the Lady to the lockers and they were left alone, with a timetable, keys for the lockers and their stuff.
They weren't alone in there. Many cosplayer were currently changing, putting stuff away and getting ready for the con. ,,I am so excited! They all look so amazing!", Liz was a bit overacting, but John laughed at it and played it all cool. ,,Let's change now, so we can make it in time.", she agreed and they began to change into their favourote idols.

It was quite a challenge to put on the hero suit of Deku. The belt was the worst. Liz was ready after 15 minutes of struggling, a makeup redo, putting on the wig and get everything else done aswell.
John on the other hand, was done in 7 minutes and waited for Liz. After they were ready and had their stuff put away, so they hadn't had to take it with them the whole time, Liz's best friend Izzy approached them.

"Hey guys!" She greeted while walking towards them and waving with one hand high up in the air.
Liz was the first one to notice her and turned her gaze towards her. Izzy was wearing her Toga cosplay. John followed and waved back.
"Hey Izzy!" He said. Izzy stopped in front of them and pulled them into a big hug.
"Gosh I haven't seen you in a year or so. How are you?" Izzy said, smiling and slowly parting the hug.

"You're Right. It was a year and a half. That's quite a long time and I'm so glad we made it." John replied and rearranged the bag on his back.
"I'm glad, too! And it was so nice of them to invite us." Liz said. "Should we head out and look around?" John asked full of excitement.
"Yes that's a nice idea, but first I want you two, to meet someone very special. Follow me." And then Izzy was walking towards the door and lead them around the area.

John and Liz followed and looked around. Everywhere was something that was interesting and they couldn't turn their eyes off it.
At every corner was a booth with stuff that you could buy and take photos.

Suddenly Izzy stopped in front of a booth with a blue banner over it, that said "AKrCos" and a picture of a very attractive young woman on it.
Liz thought about it. She definitely had heard of the name.
"AKrCos? Who is that?" She mumbled to herself, but was answered anyway.

The women on the banner, put her hand on Liz's shoulder and Liz's gaze was immediately on her. Their eyes met. A pair of grey-blue eyes met an angelic deep-blue one. For one millisecond you could see a shine in both of their eyes. Or was it the light from on top? Nobody knows.

"I'm AKrCos. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand for Liz to take it and that's what she did. Liz took the soft hand of the lady and shook it. ,,Nice to meet you too."
"You must be Liz, right? Izzy has told me about you a lot." Liz was confused. Izzy told her? Why? Were they this close? Izzy hasn't told me about her before.
Then the women's gaze turned to John.
"And you must be...let me think...John?"
John nodded and took the women's hand.

"I'm glad to meet you. My name is Amanda." 'Amanda' turned around and pulled Izzy to her Ieft side. She leaned forward, so that her mouth was hovering over Izzy's ear.
"Have you told them?" She whispered, quite enough, so that the others couldn't have heard her.
Izzy shook her head. "I haven't. I haven't seen them in almost two years and I wanted to talk about it in person. I will now, tho." Izzy whispered back and hugged Amanda.

"Liz, John. Amanda is my-" she was interrupted as the lady from earlier patted her back.
"I see you found your booths already. I just wanted to say, that the official meeting is beginning soon. We will meet in hall E over there." The lady pointed to a big double door and smiled.
"Thank you. We will be there soon.",John replied and then the lady walked away, waving goodbye.
"I think we should head over there.", Liz said and headed in direction of the door.

The others followed her and walked inside.
They were greeted by many crew member who took them backstage.
So many people and cosplayer were standing there, talking over things, laughing, smiling and just having a very good time.

This will be one of the best cons I have ever been to. Liz thought and then a tall men with black hair approached the group.

Guess we have to wait for the next chapter.

The one I fell for || gxgOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora