Chapter 17

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I looked at her.
Did she cry?
I cleared my throat. „I'm here to pack my stuff and leave." I began. I was about to tell her but she interrupted. „Leave? With Liz?" she frowned. Just as I expected it, she got angry again.
I nodded and headed over to my side of the bed. My cosplays were all packed by John and almost everything I had with me was in my bag too.
Had she packed it? Doesn't matter.

I picked up my stuff and checked if I had everything.
Yes I had. „I will be heading home with them. We both need time and I don't want you to be grumpy the whole time. So i'm leaving I eventually come home tomorrow or the week at least. I hope you calm down on this time and we can talk that out like normal people do." I said and left the room, leaving Izzy behind. The door closed and I heard sobs from the other side. I simply ignored them, even though it broke my heart to hear her like that.

I went down again, waiting patiently for the elevator to stop at the down floor. I notice the music that played in the background. Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift. I had planned to do an cmv with Bakugou and Todoroki for it, but Izzy and I were always busy with things, so we couldn't shoot it. At least not yet. Maybe I could ask Liz?

The elevator came to a stop and I got out, walking straight (or gay) out of the front door and to Johns car. I opened the trunk and packed stuff inside. I closed it and got back next to Liz. Both John and Liz looked at me. „So how was it?" John asked and I looked up at the hotel building. „It was okay I guess. I said that we need time and I'll drive home with you. And that I will come home someday in the week. Then I picked everything up and left." I said and put on my seatbelt again. „And she just let you go?" Liz asked and looked at me confused and concerned. „Yeah..I don't know why. She also knew that I was heading home with you and she got angry again, because of that." I further explained and John started the car. Then we finally drove home 2 hours.

The drive was nice. Me and Liz have talked a lot and we also planned to meet up more. I told her about my cmv plans, because I couldn't get that song out of my head. She agreed to do it with me some time soon and John would also help us. We laughed a lot and sang along to the songs in the radio. It seems, that Liz and I have almost the exact same music taste and humor. Even though I just met her 3 or 4 days ago, she was a very good friend. She was there for me and cared for me. She's a good girl and has an incredible personality.
And somehow I felt comfortable around her. I can talk to Liz and open up. I couldn't do that in a while. I know Izzy was always there for me, but some problems were just to hard to handle with her. Liz on the other hand, understood just how I felt about some things.

I recognized the landscaping again and I knew we weren't far from home. Finally resting properly and not caring about Izzy or the con. After 10 minutes passed, John was stopping in front of a beautiful house with a amazing front yard. Flowers in all colors and little Flamingos decorated it. A small fountain was sprinkling and birds were singing. Izzy and I were walking around in this area a few times before. I never knew that they would live here. We got out of the car and john got out our stuff. He placed it next to the car smiling at us and then grabbing his own stuff, then he closed the trunk and locked the car.

"This is were we live. Well this is were Liz lives and were I will be 20/7 because I'm not always here, but most of the time." John said and we all made our way inside. Liz waved at the neighbors on the opposite side of the street. They looked nice. „How's it like to live here?"I asked and looked around a little more. „Well. The neighborhood is very friendly and they all are very calm and kind. It's peaceful here, too. And there's not much traffic here, so it's very quite." Liz explained and I took on everything.

We eventually got inside after Liz opened the door and we were greeted with the nice smell of peaches, mangos and Liz. It captured me and I was dragged into the fragrances depth. Liz and John put their stuff aside and so did I. „Shall I show you around?" Liz asked and I nodded.

Next chapter out of Izzy's POV. It's shorter though.
What is she doing while Amanda has fun? Find it out.

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