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Quinn waited in the passenger seat of Puck's truck while Puck buckled Beth in her car seat in the back.

"When we move to Connecticut, are you gonna let me drive your truck?" Quinn asked.

"No." Puck answered.

"No?" Quinn repeated.

"Maybe." Puck said.

"I can work with a maybe." Quinn nodded.

Puck smiled as he started driving.

Quinn looked at Puck and smiled.

"What?" Puck asked, glancing at Quinn.

"I'm just happy." Quinn shrugged. "And proud of you. Proud of us."

Puck nodded as he took Quinn's hand. "Me, too."

Quinn glanced back at Beth as Puck continued driving.

"Hungry, B?" Quinn asked.

Beth nodded. "And thirsty."

"We're almost there." Quinn told Beth. "I'll get you something to drink as soon as we get there."

"Okay." Beth said.


After their graduation dinner, everyone said goodbyes and congratulations before departing.

When Quinn and Beth were situated in the car, Puck started driving.

"Are we going back to my mom's or your mom's?" Puck wondered.

"It depends if Liv is coming back or if she's going out." Quinn said as she took her phone out. "I'll text her."

Puck nodded.

"You can have your mom and sister come to my mom's, too." Quinn told Puck. "We should all be together."

"Yeah." Puck agreed as he handed Quinn his phone. "Text Sarah for me."

Quinn nodded as she texted Sarah on Puck's phone before texting Olivia on her own phone.

When Quinn was done texting, she looked at Puck. "Can you pull over?"

"You okay?" Puck asked.

"Yeah." Quinn said. "Just pull over. Please."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and pulled the car over.

As soon as the car was in park, Quinn jumped out.

Puck got out of the car and walked around to Quinn.

"What's wrong, babe?" Puck asked.

"I wanted to ask you something." Quinn said. "And I've been so nervous about it that I'm practically making myself sick over it."

"Whatever it is, you can ask me." Puck told Quinn. "Just ask me."

"Okay." Quinn nodded. "I wanted to ask you to marry me."

"To marry you?" Puck repeated, raising his eyebrows.

"You're the love of my life." Quinn told Puck. "And I wanna continue loving you and being with you for the rest of my life. I just wanted to make that commitment before college and getting out of Lima changes everything."

Puck didn't say anything. He walked back around the car to the driver's side.

"Noah?" Quinn called, wondering what he was doing.

Puck returned to Quinn with Beth on his hip and stood right in front of Quinn. Beth held up a small black box.

Quinn looked at Puck. "When did you...?"

"Not long after Finn and Rachel got married." Puck informed Quinn as he took the box from Beth and put her down. "I've been wanting to ask you for months."

"So ask me." Quinn smiled.

Puck took Quinn's hand as he got down on one knee. "Will you do me and Beth the honor of officially becoming a Puckerman? Will you marry me?"

"Yes. Of course I'll marry you." Quinn nodded as she kissed Puck. "I love you."

"I love you."

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