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At the end of the day, Quinn waited with Olivia for Puck at his locker after going to hers. She was waiting for about ten minutes when she got a text from Puck.

I'll meet u @ ur house

I hav 2 take care of somthin

"He said don't wait for him." Quinn sighed as she and Olivia walked out of the school and headed to her car.

Olivia got in the driver's seat and Quinn got in the passenger seat.

"Noah said when I'm ready to drive again, he'll help me." Quinn told Olivia. "He's gonna let me drive his truck."

"Yeah." Olivia replied. "You always liked that."

"Yeah." Quinn nodded.

Olivia nodded back as she started driving.

"He also said he'll teach me how to drive his motorcycle." Quinn smiled.

"Really?" Olivia asked.

"I've wanted to learn for years." Quinn told Olivia. "And I'm sure he'll teach you, too, if you want."

"Well, he can teach me next year." Olivia said. "It'll help distract us from you being gone."

"Yeah." Quinn bit her lip. "He and I still need to discuss that."

"I thought you did." Olivia responded.

"After we won Nationals, we talked." Quinn said. "But we didn't really decide or solve anything."

Olivia nodded.

"I just don't know what to do." Quinn replied.

"Well, you know you have to go to Connecticut." Olivia told Quinn as she parked in front of their house. "You can't stay here for him."

"I should talk to my mom." Quinn decided before getting out of the car and heading inside. "B! Mom! We're back!"

Judy entered the room with a smile on her face and Beth on her hip. "Hey, girls. How was school?"

"Good." Olivia said. "Where's my dad?"

"In the yard." Judy responded as Quinn took Beth.

"Thanks." Olivia excused herself and went outside.

"Noah's coming over." Quinn informed Judy as she sat down at the kitchen counter with Beth on her lap. "I wanted to talk to you about something before he gets here."

Judy nodded.

"I don't think I wanna go to Yale." Quinn said. "I wanna stay here until Noah graduates."

"Sweetie, I know you love him, but you can't give up Yale for him." Judy told Quinn. "Because they'll fill your spot and they probably won't accept you again next year."

"Plenty of people take a gap year." Quinn stated. "I can work and focus on Beth, and..."

"I don't think it's a good idea to wait a year." Judy said. "Especially because Beth will be going to preschool next year, and you can't move her during the school year. That's not fair to her."

Quinn bit her lip. She hated to admit it, but Judy had a point.

"I can't leave him." Quinn argued. "And I can't take Beth from him."

"You have to talk to him, but really talk to him." Judy advised Quinn. "Because if you don't go to Yale now, you might never be able to."

Quinn nodded slowly as the doorbell rang.

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