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The rest of dinner was awkward and quiet. When Beth was done eating, Puck picked her up and took her out of the room to wash her hands.

"Can I be excused?" Quinn requested.

Judy nodded.

Quinn left the dining room and found Puck and Beth in the living room.

"Beth, can you please go back inside to Grandma?" Quinn asked.

Beth looked at Puck before slowly getting up and heading back to the dining room.

"I'm sorry." Quinn apologized. "I've been so wrapped up in myself and I haven't really thought about how my accident affected you and Beth, and my mom and Olivia."

Puck looked at Quinn. "Your accident is about you."

"The rest of you were affected by it, probably you the most." Quinn noted.

Puck shrugged.

"It changed everything between us." Quinn pointed out. "And made things harder for you."

"It's not your job to worry about me." Puck told Quinn.

"You're wrong." Quinn stated. "Because when you love someone, you worry about them, and you want the best for them."

"You need to focus on getting better." Puck clarified. "Me and Beth will stick around no matter what."

"You're under a lot of pressure between me and Beth, and your mom and Sarah." Quinn noted. "And you've always felt like you had to take care of everyone and be strong for everyone, but..."

Quinn shook her head as she trailed off.

"You and Beth are my family, and I take care of my family." Puck replied. "That's just what I do."

"It's okay for you to ask me for help, too, Noah." Quinn replied as she took his hand and squeezed it.

"You have a lot going on." Puck said softly.

"So do you." Quinn pointed out. "You work a lot and you've been raising Beth basically on your own for over a month, and you have school... and a life."

Puck nodded slowly.

"I want you to graduate with me and I want us to work." Quinn clarified.

"I want that, too." Puck said.

"Will you stay over tonight?" Quinn asked. "Please."

Puck nodded. "I'm gonna have to run home and get some clothes and stuff, but yeah, we'll stay."

"Thank you." Quinn smiled.

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