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At the end of the day, Quinn went to glee club. She didn't pay much attention, but at least she went.


"Hmm?" Quinn looked at Puck.

"You okay?" Puck asked. "Need a ride home? I think Liv left already."

"No, thanks. I have physical therapy." Quinn replied.

"Can I take you?" Puck requested.

"You should get home and do homework and spend time with Beth." Quinn said.

"You shouldn't go alone." Puck responded.

"Santana's taking me." Quinn informed Puck. "And Rachel's taking me to my doctor's appointment tomorrow."

"Sounds like you don't need me." Puck noted.

"Why don't you, me, and Beth go out to dinner?" Quinn suggested. "Tomorrow, not tonight. I'm gonna be exhausted after physical therapy."

"Yeah, that's cool." Puck said. "Good luck today. Go kick some ass."

Quinn smiled slightly. "Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Puck echoed as he walked away.

"Hey, ready to go?" Santana asked as she walked over to Quinn.

Quinn nodded, and the two girls left McKinley.


"Thanks again for taking me today." Quinn thanked Santana when they got to the physical therapy center.

"I wanna help you get better." Santana replied. "And watch you get stronger."

"Well, I hate to disappoint you, but not much has happened yet." Quinn shrugged.

Santana looked at her. "It's only been a month since the accident. It's gonna take time."

"Yeah." Quinn sighed.

Quinn signed in and got started with the usual exercises while Santana watched and helped, when asked to.

"Not that I mind being here with you 'cause I don't." Santana began as she gently pushed Quinn's leg back. "But how come you don't let Olivia or Puck take you?"

"Liv does so much for me at home already, and she's so patient. She lets me use the bathroom first in the morning and helps me into the car, and waits for me after lunch." Quinn explained.

"And Puck?" Santana wondered.

Quinn paused for a moment. "I don't think we should be away from Beth more than we have to. We're her parents, we can't let other people raise her."

Santana nodded. "You two are doing a great job with her. I'm really surprised at how well Puck's been doing without you around all the time."

"I knew he'd be fine without me." Quinn said. "I just didn't know he'd be so fine."

"It's not easy as he makes it seem. And he misses you." Santana told Quinn. "Being with you, you know?"

Quinn bit her lip.

The truth is, she missed Puck, too.

She missed living with him and falling asleep beside him. She missed waking up in his protective arms and watching him be a father to their daughter.

Quinn missed Puck.

"Have you thought about getting back together with him?" Santana wondered.

"Can we not talk about Puck?" Quinn blurted. "I just... I wanna be as relaxed and as focused as possible."

"Oh, yeah, sure." Santana nodded as she helped Quinn back into her wheelchair. "Come on, they want you in the pool."

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