Chapter 1

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"Rose." A voice that she had at one point found comfort in now sent terror through her. "I can smell you." Rose pretended that he was lying, tightening her hold on the tranquilizer gun in her free hand. It was her only weapon against him, and she only had one shot at it. This wasn't the first time it worked for her and so far, its kept her alive, but she knew it wouldnt last forever, he would find a way around it eventually.

Her other arm was wrapped around Julian, holding him closely to her chest, not only was she trying to comfort the baby, but herself as well. She could see his shadow underneath the door and her lungs seemed to freeze. She fought the urge to squeeze her eyes shut and forced herself to calm down enough for her hands to stop shaking.

At this point, he was playing with her, taunting her. He wanted Rose to understand that it was over, that the last year of running and hiding was for nothing, that he was going to forcefully shove his blood down her throat.

He let his teeth elongate, filling out the empty space in his mouth before wrapping his hand around the doorknob. He could already taste her pulse on his tongue, her scent was just as sweet as he remembered, and he couldnt wait for her to join him, her and their child.

He pulled the door open, not expecting the dart filled with Deads man Blood to shoot at him, but her unsteady hand caused it to graze his neck, sending only a small dose into his system and he faltered. Rose took that opportunity to shove past him, holding the baby tightly to her side, she only made it half way across the room before he caught her, causing the boy to fall from her grasp as he tossed her into the wall on the other side of the room. Roses body hit the wall and it felt like every joint in her body cracked. Her thoughts were fuzzy and the little air she had in her lungs dissipated. The sound of the babys crying brought her out of her confusion. He was on top of her before she even realized where she landed. Dont move.

His eyes were zoned on the gash from where her head hit the wall. It was like everything he came here for was put on the back burner, all he cared about was the blood that leaked from her. She tried pushing him off, she shoved and hit, but nothing moved him. He pressed his nose into the gash and took a deep breath, caressing the edges of her ripped skin. He leaned back, the red liquid smudged against his skin, his mouth filled with teeth that shouldnt be in a humans mouth, then again, they werent.

His finger caressed her forehead, like he didnt want to disturb the blood but couldnt help himself before bringing it to his lips. She looked back to the screaming infant, Julian were looking at her with wide eyes, not understanding what was going on, horrified.

"Everything's going to be alright." She said it more for herself then for him, not that it calmed anyone in the room. While she was looking at him she noticed the dart that had missed him, still full of blood. It was then that she felt him press his mouth to the wound on her head, she could feel his teeth scraping against her skin, his tongue moving over the cut in a fast motion. She reached for the dart, her fingers barely grasping it before she shoved it into the back of his neck. A solid second passed by before he went limp on top of her.

"Okay, okay, okay." She repeated the words as she shoved him off her. She checked on Julian, once she was satisfied that he was physically fine, she grabbed their bags and got the hell out of dodge.


Rose wasnt sure if this was still a good idea, but she didnt have much of a choice. The last year had been filled with dead ends, cold trails, a homicidal monster baby daddy and his monster family. She didnt know what she was looking for, she didnt know where to look for it and she didnt know what to do if she found it. Yet here she was, bouncing her foot up and down in the diner booth, waiting for the man who promised her the information she was looking for.

Rose WinchesterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant