Chapter 2

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Rose didn't know what to do. She didn't want to speak with anyone in the car, not Kevin, who was silently brooding next to her, or the two men in the front seat. It had taken an obnoxious amount of time to calm Julian down, every time his mouth opened, Rose's stomach would cramp and twist, her eyes moving to the man she'd seen jam a knife into someone. Rose didn't know what happened to make Dean kill the man, she didn't even know if that man had been a man, but she didn't want her crying baby to ignite any of that anger.

Julian ate a little and calmed down, Rose had hoped he would fall back asleep, but he stubbornly wrinkled his fingers into the fabric of her shirt and made his disapproval of the situation known.

Deans driving was another thing that was making her stomach churn. It didn't help that Julian didn't have a car seat, so if they did get into a crash, the only thing that was protecting him was her arms. Sam kept looking at her over his shoulder, at first she hadn't noticed it, but after feeding Julian, she began to notice the looks. She didn't know the emotion behind them, but she was guessing it was on the same scale as confused or shocked. Rose couldn't keep track of the time, but after a while, Julian fell back to sleep against her chest and the sun came up and Dean pulled into a gas station. Turning the car off as his cell phone began to ring.

"Yeah?" He looked to Sam for a second, "wrong number." He hung up, "automated bastards." He stretched his arm over the back of the front seat and turned around. "Alright, anyone want anything?" He looked at Rose for a long moment, she met his eyes for half of that time before turning her gaze downwards. "Eh, Rose? Right?" She nodded. Dean looked to Sam, not really knowing what to do about the teenager.

"Uh, do you, does the baby need anything?" Rose looked down at the sleeping kid.

"Diapers, I had some but they got left at the restaurant when Crowley did I don't know what he did." Her voice sounded thick to her ears and she cleared her throat. Sam and Dean shared another look. "He took his car seat too."

"We can get another car seat soon." Sam said, Dean wrinkled his nose at the thought of a car seat in the impala, "did you leave anything else that you really need? We can get you more clothes and stuff." She thought about it. Her phone was in her back pocket and she was suddenly thankful for getting the wallet case, so she had her IDs and social. Dean had her birth certificate. She shook her head. "Alright here." Sam handed her a credit card. "Get anything you want." She started to shake her head, "I insist." Her fingers shook as she took the plastic, and nothing could have stopped her from rushing out of the back seat as she did.

She found what she needed inside of the gas station,, but they were really cheap she knew that Julian wasn't going to like them. There wasn't a lot of selection of food she could eat, so she settled for some yogurt and some safe looking tail mix. The package said it was only dried nuts and fruits, but it still made her a little uneasy, if she hadn't been starving, she wouldn't have tested it.

Rose could sense the displeasure of the woman at the register as she rang up her items. It wasnt an unfamiliar look, it didnt help that Rose looked even younger then she was, not that 16 was great, but still. Rose around the building towards the restrooms when she came out, only to find Dean behind the corner, he had been walking back towards the car and they almost ran into one another.

"Sorry. " She said quickly.

"You're cool. You about ready to go?" Rose really had to look up at him. She wasnt exactly sure how tall he was, but he was almost a full foot taller then her.

"Um where are we going?" He was looking at her face, a frown forming on his.

"Rhode Island. What happened to your face, looks like you need some stitches. We can take care of that when we stop, your eye looks a little swollen to." Rose chewed on the inside of her cheek.

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