Chapter 5: Forever💍

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5 Years Later...
They were all 21 and my birthday was the next weekend, I knew they were planning something, because I felt like they were keeping me from something. I figured that it was a surprise birthday celebration this weekend and I wanted to find out what we were doing then.
The Weekend...
"Are we there yet?" I asked. Natalie replied "Not yet!" "Now are we there yet?" I'll tell you when we get there.
5 minutes later...
"We are here!" Natalie and Alexis yelled. I said," FINALLY!"
I was so excited to see that we were at my favorite restaurant, Golden Corral!! We walked in and payed for the buffet and I looked around and couldn't find Dorion! I asked the girls where he was. They said you'll see. That's when I looked to to he right and he was standing in a tux with a bouquet of roses. He gave the roses to me and then grabbed a glass and a spoon and clanked it together. He said, " May I have your attention, especially Riley's. I gave you a promise ring when we started dating in the 9th grade. We are still together and ever since then I have been waiting for this moment. All of the sudden he got down on one knee and said" Riley, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I of course said yes, while crying, in front of everyone in Golden Corral. And that was only the beginning...

UsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora