Chapter IX

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He sure looks a little surprised. No ...not just a little but a lot. I'm asking myself why?

Soon I understood, he was not looking at me but at the boy who was next to me.

Why did he glance at Eren with such a  bloodlust expression? What was wrong?

I looked back at Eren but he just ignored him. Of course it was clear that he saw Jacob's face.

Eren knew Jacob but I didn't quite understand their relationship though.

"Ok. This is Park Mi Na. She is from Korea and she will study here for time being. Be friendly. Mi Na take a sit. Eren you can take a sit too." The teacher continued the class. Now I remarked  that all people in the class were looking at me. This made me  tremble a little. Eren saw that I couldn't move and took my hand. We sat side by side next to a boy with round glasses. He almost jumped when we sat there. Was he afraid of me or afraid of Eren?

Neither he was afraid of me nor of Eren. The thing he was afraid of, was what was gonna happen after the class. As soon as the bell rung Jacob just pounce without giving any space to anyone. "Jacob? You alright?" But he ignored me. His glare was keeped on Eren, Eren's glance instead looked through him. As if he didn't see Jacob no matter how hard he tried. Soon I saw that no one was in the class anymore. Wait no one is here?

Maybe I should let them speak in private? I took my books ready to leave, but I couldn't. Not just one hand, which held me tightly, pulled me back, but also Jacob's hand stopped me from going.

Now I really don't understand anything. What's happening?

"Don't leave." Eren wanted me to stay."Just sit down already." Jacob didn't let me leave either. I sat down because Jacob said me to.

"Be so polite to explain me why are  you with her? ...and you can let go of her hand already." Jacob was very angry. He reminded me of yesterday and I started unwillingly to tremble.

I don't want Jacob to be mad again. I don't like than he is like this.

Eren show that I was scared of Jacob and let go of my hand. "She can leave. You don't need her, I can tell you everything you want!" Eren looked very sad and hurt. His eyes were not anymore so bright and warm as they were a minute ago.

I think he knew this was going to happen.

"No. She will stay here. No one leaves this room until I give my permission."I wanted to understand their relation but nothing than hate or disgust for each other came to my mind. Now his glance was locked on me. I took a step back keeping distance between us. Eren understood that I was not just scared of his look but also of his touch than Jacob tried to take hold on my shoulder.

Simultaneously, Eren stopped Jacob with his hand. I was a bit less stiff. My wounds from the last time still hurt if he would have taken hold on me again, it will have hurt really bad.

"Don't touch her. Don't you see? She is afraid of you." Jacob was surprised it seemed, that at least now he looked careful enough to see me trembling. He had this face again. A guilty, sad and faint look which was stabbing me realy badly. I don't want you to have such a face. It doesn't suit you at all.

Jacob looked one more time at Eren and than his angry, bloodlust expresion came back. "You can leave. I don't want to see you anymore. Leave the class immediatly." Jacob didn't glance at me once, while saying that. "Mi Na. He is right. Please go. You know where is your next class, don't you?" I didn't wait for another second."Yeah. Of course. You're sure you are all right?" He smiled looking at me but Jacob was getting more angry and impatient. Is it possible that they both hate each other so much? After that I left the class.

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