Chapter V

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I took a look at the person, who was right in front of me.

"Hey. Why don't you sleep? It's 1 am o'clock. Don't forget tomorrow...I mean today is school. Go to sleep! ...and did you wash your face?" Jacob asked me many questions but I didn't want to answer any of them. "Yeah." My unemotional face was disturbing him. " Are you alright? You look pale, are you feeling bad?" Is he worried about me? I didn't answer to him, just took my look away. "Anyway. My parents came and they saw the light in your window. If you don't want to sleep, it's not my problem, shut at least the lights up." I looked at him in surprice. I wanted to ask him something. " Did your parents ask you to come here?" He was a little taken aback. "N..No..nothing like this."

"Then why are you here? Did I disturb you with something?" He looked troubled. " No....not really," I repeated. " Then..." He interrupted me. "Hey. I thought that you could feel not right because I made you watch a horror movie....and that you can't sleep because of me." I couldn't find any words."Nevermind. Forget it. If you are feeling well then alright. And yeah, I hope that you will forget about this night!" Night? He mean that he was afraid of watching horror movies. "You mean that you are afraid of horror mov..." He put his big hand on my month. It was unexpected.

"Hey. Could you not speak so loud." His hand was still on my face so I just nodded in agreement. "Ok. Come on!" We were both in my room. He closed the room so that none could hear us.

"Look. I wasn't afraid or something. Ok? I was just watching you so I couldn't concentrate on the ..." Jacob stopped. I think he understood what he said just now. He saw my shocked face. I think he was as surpriced as I was. The next one minute, we were just looking at each other. What's wrong with me? I know that he was looking at me all the time during the movie, but I never expected that he himself will  say a word about this.

"...I..." He was trying to interrupt the silence of the room."I mean.....It doesn't matter. Forget all about this. Of course, if you don't want your life here to be a big mess. I advise you not to make me angry otherwise you will pay a huge price for this."His hands were closely holding my arms causing me pain, which I will never ever forget.

" I'm serious. Don't even try to say a word to someone. If you don't want to get hurt." His eyes were cold like ice and they made me tremble for the first time. Their wish was to tear, to destroy me. The light and warmth of his blue eyes were not to be seen anymore. I was awfully scared. Even the stupid horror film didn't give me these awful feelings. I couldn't say a word, I was too afraid."Your only choice is to promise me that! Answer me!" Jacob yelled. He was terrible irritated and furious at the same time tightening my arms even harder. The pain was indescribable. My eyes were starting to lose control of tears. They fall down, this tears were unstoppable thus I started to cry. After he saw my tears, he released his hands. I was so scared, I couldn't take a glance at him. It was hard for me standing on my own feet.

Who is he? I understood that I didn't know him at all.

Did I cry because of him? Now I know that I don't love or even like him. It was just a crazy short attraction that gave me this untrue feeling.

Please, I beg you just leave me alone. I won't dare to say anything.

I have repeated these words again and again, but I couldn't take out a single letter.

".....Tchhh" He took his hands off me. I could feel that he was still angry. " I saw you understood it all." He left the room right after this sentence. After I heard the sound of the door, I fell down. I touched my shoulders. They trembled and I felt cold all other my body. Soon I began to cry. I didn't want someone to hear me so I tried to cover it with my hands. I couldn't stop. I was still afraid. Jacob looked like a predator who was trying to tear me with only his glance.

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