Chapter II

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"Hello! Are you Johnson family?" The women turned on and saw us. "Yeah. Hello! So you are Mia?"

I asked bewildered." I'm sorry? Are you speaking to me?" The women answered " Yeah. Are you not Mia? The girl who is going to live with us?"

"She is Park Min Na." The men who were with me helped to clear up the situation.

" Oh really. I'm very sorry. Nice to meet you, Mina. I'm Ellen and this is my husband William you can call him just Will. These are both my sons. The younger one is Noah Alexander and the angry one is Jacob Michela" at the same moment he turned his annoyed face to me" Just. Jacob. Remember this." I was astonished.

He doesn't like Michela. But it is really a cute name, of course, it doesn't suit him at all.

"Hey! Don't be harsh. You can call him as you pleased." He turned his face in the opposite direction.

"...and call me Alex. I don't really like being called Noah! Remember this." said the younger boy like trying to copy his older brother.

"You will shut up! They are just not well-educated, I'm really sorry for them!" Alex turned his face in an angry way just like his brother. It's so cute. Unwillingly I started to smile.

They all were watching me. I was shameful, my cheeks turned really fast red. They were smiling too at least the husband and his wife.
" So now I'm going to leave you. If you have a problem or you need help just come to this address and you will find us there. I wish you good luck" the man stretched me a small piece of paper, where probably was the address of ISK.

"Thank you. Have a good day." He nodded and left.

For a short moment, it was quiet."Ok. Welcome to our family!" said Will with big enthusiasm.
" Ok. This way." Ellen has led me to the car and the oldest boy took my suitcases. " I can carry them" I placed hurriedly my hands on my suitcases.
"Go. Don't stay in my way!" He took my suitcases and went farther. "Don't worry. Come, the car is not far away." I nodded in agreement.

When I came out of the airport, I saw a really expensive car that I thought  was bought yesterday. "Amazing" Ellen was happy hearing this. " You will like our house much more, for sure!" I smiled and took a seat next to the window. Alex was sitting in the middle, Will and Ellen forehead. Jacob was listening to music through his headphones. Suddenly Ellen asked me " I'm very happy that you will stay with as for 4 years but may I ask you why? This isn't a short time! Won't you miss your family, friends and colleagues?" I was taken aback by her question. I didn't wait for her to ask me this so spontaneous. I couldn't think of anything. "Mmmmhh..."
I don't want to tell them my true reason and I thought about all possible versions. But nothing came. They seemed to get worried. Even Jacob was watching me and I thought he didn't hear anything.

"If you don't want to answer you must not. It doesn't matter anyway. I'll be happier if you will stay here for longer!" I'm feeling so uncomfortable. They were so nice to me and I was so cold.

"I'm really sorry, but I promise that I will tell you after some time." This was the only words that I could say.
"Of course. Take your time. Now we are a family. Did you hear it, boys?" Will was watching them. "Of course dad. As if we have a choice." Jacob smiled in agreement.

Why this both are so similar? Alex is like a small copy of his big brother. But they seem somehow cute for me.

30 minute after, the car stopped and I saw a beautiful big house. It was huge like a palace. I lived in a big house too, but nothing like this.

Jacob opened the door of the car and went to take my luggages." What are you waiting" asked Alex. " No. Nothing" I opened the door and I was feeling like a princess from a love story.

" Come. I will show you your room" Ellen took my hand and we went inside. "Inside is even bigger as I thought" Will put his hand on my shoulder"Yeah. Just a little." Ellen started to show me all around. I saw the living room and a beautiful kitchen. There was also a playroom, a huge Bibliothek and a small Bathroom on the first floor. On the second floor on the left side are Ellen and Will' s room with a bathroom and a guest room. On the right side, there was Alex's, Jacob's and mine rooms. I have a bathroom in my room too, but Jacob and Alex have one separated bathroom for two.

I was amazed that they had a pool and it was in the house. "I will get lost myself if I won't make a map." Ellen laughed "If you need help just ask someone. We will help you. Don't worry. So do you want to go now to your room?" "I will be happy" Ellen smiled "I have a 'Welcome' present for you". I was surprised" You did already very much. Thank you for all." She nodded "...and I will do much more I want you to feel yourself at home." "I'm feeling much better as in my own house." Ellen didn't give much thought about what I said, but I was really feeling like this. Soon we arrived in 'my new room'. " Here. I bought you some clothes. You can use all of them. If you don't like something just say and we can go and buy something else. Ok?" I couldn't say a word. There were more clothes than I had ever seen. "They are so many." It was like I didn't have really much place for my own clothes." They are all so cute. Thank you very much. I love them." She seems to be happy to." Glad. Cool that you like them. But I want you to go shopping with me, ok?" I was so happy to hear that Elen wanted to go shopping with me. It was like a daughter and mother are shopping. Why couldn't my mother do this for me?

I didn't answer for a long time so Ellen was quite worried" Is something wrong. You don't want?" "Nothing like this! I want! I will be happy to go shopping with you." "Ok. So it is a promise!" I nodded in agreement"Yeah". Ellen had left saying that it will be dinner soon.

I saw my suitcase on the carpet but I didn't have the strength to move a single finger. I lay on the bed and fell asleep.

It was such a tiring day. I wish I could speak with them more about me and about my life in Korea but I didn't want them to have pity for me. They are nice to me and I will be too. This was what I learnt from my parents: 'If someone is nice to you, be nice in return.' This is the only things I remember now. Actually, they didn't teach me what is wrong and right. It was my grandmother. I love her. She has always been on my side. When I said that I will go to America for 4years, she cried. She was crying for quite a long time. But she knew my situation. She was the one who knew all about me because I told her all. She gave me good tips and stopped when I was trying to do anything silly, but now she didn't. My grandmother just said that she will miss me very much . That means that I didn't do anything wrong, trying to run from my problems isn't bad. She knew my parents are going to divorce, so this was a possibility to clear everything for all of us. But I still didn't want to stay in a foreign country for so long or this is just how I'm feeling right now.

At the same time on the first floor.

Ellen was cooking food for the diner. Will is reading a newspaper and the boys are watching TV." Can one of you call Mina?" Nobody answered. "Boys!" Still, no answered. Will turned off the Tv and yelled: "Are you not going to answer your mother?" Alex jumped."I'm really sorry, mum but my friend needs now my help so can Jacob go?" Jacob turned his face to his brother. Alex runs away with a face that said 'Sorry, but make me a favour.' "This jerk." "Did you say something, dear?" "Of course not mum!" " I will call her ok, but why can't our servants do this?" Ellen was surprised "Didn't I say you?" Jacob had a bad feeling "Say what"."Mum you are not going to take one more girl, no?" Alex asked worriedly. Will was smiling, this means he knows already everything. "We won't have any servants anymore besides the guardian." They were shocked by the news. There were no sounds.

Suddenly "NO. YOU ARE JOKING!!!" said the guys in unison."No. I'm not. Go call Mina and I will explain it all after."
"But mum...." " Jacob. Go." Jacob left the room very angry.

"Why should I call this stupid girl?" Jacob was near to Mina's room. He opened the door and entered in the room.

Hello friends! I'm really sorry for all the mistakes that I've made in my story. I hope you will enjoy this chapter and leave comments so I can know what are you thinking. Thank you for supporting me and in special

Lea_Noah and K_Lori

Thank you that you are always reading my stories.

See you soon...

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