Chapter 15: Two For One Special

Start from the beginning

We're so rare and special. Neosa's thoughts drifted in wonder at their evolutionary advantage over humans.

Renero continued with his long, urgent strides.

"And Kakara's clan of people is, or was, one of those said specific groups of skilled humans. In many ways, her clan is a lot like us since she's the last one left. The clan from her father's blood, the Ce conquête, or Conqueror clan, were descendants from the old Frenchie nations from who knows how long ago."

"Hell truth be told I don't even know what the rest of the world is like outside Constantia, but I'd imagine the primal gene to have taken over completely. In any case, there's your answer for those 'hohoho' Frenchie accents of theirs. I for one love how they sound, don't you?"

It was no secret that Genesia and Neosa were quite unaccustomed to how different they sounded with their Racaan accents in comparison to how Minaleese and Kakara sounded. More so that Kakara from her perspective found their strong accent and way of speaking to be foreign when they thought the same of them.

So that's perspective in cultures huh? They thought.

Racaans were after all a divergent race of supernatural, primarily derived and based off the first Africans across the African continent with their own languages that were slight alterations from human Africans that had their own subcategories. Constantia was a country situated directly below the south of the entire African continent, the south of the whole world and above Antarctica.

Regardless, both races of human and Racaan knew how to communicate using the common way, the ubiquitous language in the world separate from their own native languages.

"Reason being for that is the system of diversity with us Racaans being much more condensed between the seven tribes, whilst the humans are much broader. While we have a total of ten official languages in our Raraac, the humans have got who knows how many with all their different cultures, groups and races. Speaking of languages."

Renero asked them how many languages they were fluent in, changing to Raraac.

"Oh, eeeh, only a few of them, so like... tharo?" Genesia answered in one of their languages for three.

"Mmm, I see, eh, you're lucky. As Chief and Chieftess, your mother and I had to be fluent in all ten of them, and that sure as hell was a pain. Having to be able to unite all the different tribes as one without any misunderstandings and miscommunications. The common way can only go so far. It's important to truly understand another's tongue like it's your own tongue."

"Hayi, you can only imagine how strange it is knowing that Raraac is basically useless out here in the human world," he remarked, full of meek depression. Well, except for Natalia. He reminded himself.

"But, that's just the way it is," he sighed like a low drop to the ground. He then turned to give Neosa a knowing grin. "When this is all done, you must prepare yourself for when Leesey attacks you in the bath with all kinds of questions. Though knowing you, I'd say that's a pretty even match in itself."

A light chuckle came his way, making Neosa's face brighten up, being reminded of the awaiting and soothing bath reward.

"Ayeyeye! I'll definitely win that match!" she shouted, pumping her fists.

"Although this upcoming one... Papa, what exactly is Kakara? And what exactly are our abilities like?" The brief moment of determination subsided as she once again became uncertain in anticipation of the upcoming fight, with Genesia reflecting the same sentiment.

"Ah, because the only two groups we know of are Crafters and Warriors. Mina seems to be a crafter from the human side like how Mama, Aunty and Mpho were from our side. Uncle was a warrior, as are you, as are we. Is Kakara also a warrior? Or both?"

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