Chapter Three- Men

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Susan gets her phone out, and dials a number. After a few rings, the phone was picked up.

"Annyeong?" came a voice. Susan then replied with something that got the voice mad.

"Is this Krease Wuh Fan?" She asked sincerely. The voice on the other side paused.

"No I think you have the wrong number." The voice spoke. Susan just groaned in frustration.

"oh okay sorry, bye!" She said, then hung up. She decided to call the next one, before calling the other one again. She dialed a new number, and this time the phone picked up relatively quickly.

"*Sigh* Hello?" The new voice spoke. The voice sounded tired, and out of breath. "Hi is this Luh-Hun?" Susan asked into the phone. She heard another sigh.

"it's pronounced Luhan, but yes. Who are you and what do you want?" Luhan asked Susan. Susan replied almost immediately, like she was prepared for the question. (which she probably was.)

"I'm Susan from JYP. I just called to let you know that SM disowned all their bands, including Exo." She told monotonously. You can hear Luhan's sigh of relief through the phone. "Finally... And?"

"Jyp has decided to adopt them. So we were wondering if you wanted to join back?" Susan asked. Luhan didn't sound too thrilled about this. "And what would I get from this?"

"You'd get to see Sehun, and the rest of Exo again, you'll be with a great music company, you'd"-

"You had me at 'Sehun'. I'm in." Susan smiled in triumph. She thanked Luhan and hung up, dialing the next and final number.

This one took a lot of rings to finally pick up. Although when it did, the voice on the other end didn't seem too pleased.

"Hello?" The voice asked in an annoyed tone. He wasn't annoyed at the caller, just annoyed in general. Susan just ignored the tone in his voice and spoke still half-happily.

"Hi is this ZyTahO?" She asked, trying her best to pronounce the name she was given on a sheet of paper from Jyp. The voice on the other side paused, then tutted.

"Just... Just call me Tao. And who is it that's calling me during my Tanning Time™️" The voice, who we now know is Tao, spoke. Again, Susan was prepared for this question.

"I'm Susan from JYP. I'm calling to tell you that SM has disowned their bands and Jyp has adopted them." There was a pause, as if the caller has walked away from their phone. Susan heard a faint scream, then the callers voice again. "Sorry hi again, so why am I told this?"

"Well since exo aren't in SM anymore, we were wondering if you would consider coming back?" Susan asked. Tao replied immediately. "Of course! I-I mean.. Sure why not, they need me."

Tao was about to hang up, when Susan stopped him. "Wait! Do you know Krease's number?" Tao nodded, then realised that she was on the phone, and said yes. "Can you give me his number please?" She asked. Tao agreed and gave her his number, then hung up.

Susan then called the new number, and it picked up immediately.

"Why are you calling me again?" The voice asked, distressed. Susan then gasped dramatically.

"You were the guy I called before! You Liar! It doesn't matter anyway, I'm Susan from JYP, I'm here to tell you that SM has disowned their bands, and if you wanted to come back now?" Kris replied on the other line.

"Okay, why me though? Wouldn't you ask Luhan or Tao first?" Susan smiled, amused. "You really think we would just call you? Of course not, we called Luhan and Tao too, we just felt bad if we didn't ask you."

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