passwords and morons

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Draco leaned back seemingly unconcerned at Pippin's words, though it would seem he was one of the few. When he had looked at the riddle, the inscription above the door, he had almost laughed at loud at the fact that the old fool could not figure it out. After all, Draco himself had managed it in mere moments. One of the reasons he found it rather hilarious that Gandalf had issues with it. It was not exactly a riddle of epic proportions, which only cemented his belief that this man, wizard, whatever he truly was, was a total idiot. The wording throwing him off maybe? Irrelevant. The wording in riddles were supposed to throw you off, that was the whole point of riddles in the first place. The fact that the man could not figure it out made him want to laugh at the old bat. He would not, that would be uncivilized, and Draco did not want to risk anything with the rest of the company, he was after all vastly out numbered should something happen, and though Draco knew that he could easily take them all-except perhaps Legolas as the other was an Elf-in a fight with his magic he would really just rather not.

Legolas appeared standing besides him, silent as always, betraying nothing. Draco looked up at the prince. He knew what the prince wanted, he wanted Draco's oath of fealty towards him. Draco was willing to give it, but, there was something holding him back, he was not exactly sure what it was. The one thing that surprised Draco was that even without the fealty oath, the prince still entertained himself with Draco's presence. Sure, they had not spoken much, but there again, Draco was not one for words. He rather enjoyed solitude. It spoke volumes of the Prince's character. To still enjoy Draco's presence and bother himself with it, despite not receiving that which he desperately wanted.

"You know there password, do you not?" The Prince asked him, voice quiet and soft enough that neither Gandalf, nor the others could hear them. Draco simply rolled his eyes. It was about as much of unruly as Draco was allowing himself to get, and mostly because it was a rather ridiculous question. As much as he did rather truly enjoy the elder's presence and voice, and general appearance because Draco was allowed to admire him from afar of course, the question was rather obvious, something Draco knew that the Elf Prince knew as well. 

"I could ask you the same." He retorted effortlessly. 

"That is true," the other admitted. "You could." Legolas said nothing after those words. Draco scoffed, and smiled a bit. He had to say, taking with Legolas was very much like talking to Slytherins. It was refreshing. He missed his Slytherin companions. As much as he was not particularly close to any one of them, such things with his father would not allow for that, he did enjoy the barter and verbal exchanges which would happen between them at times. 

"Yes, Your Highness, I know the password." Draco said, deciding to actually answer the Prince's question rather than diverting, for once. Normally, he would try, and he had done so several times in the past already. He knew it would be unlikely to work anyways, and he was not a fan of trying things that had the slight chance of working. The only reasons that it had worked prior was because of the fact that Legolas had not questioned him further, something Draco was willing to admit. It would seem he had managed to catch Legolas off guard, as the elder stared down at him blankly for a while, a different sort of blankness then the usual hiding of emotion, more the one coinciding with confusion. Though that could be simply because he was not expecting Draco to actually answer, or for him to know the password, either or. Draco could not be one hundred percent certain as to which it was.

"Why do you not inform Gandalf of this?" Legolas asked. Draco could not detect any accusation or anger in the Elf's voice, mere curiosity, plain and simple.

"Tell me, Your Highness, if you will, why you are not speaking the answer to dear Gandalf, and I shall tell you why I refrain from giving it to him." Draco did not wish to simply give all these answers without receiving some himself. That simply was not fair. Not to mention, he found himself oddly curious as to the young elf's reasoning. Something that rarely tended to happen to him. He did not normally care for the reasoning of others, yet he found himself unbearably curious this time.

"Gandalf may be a great wizard, and knowledgeable, but there are some things he cannot understand. He expects the Elves to have created a complex password just because we can."

"I have no doubt the Elves of the time would have, but they had to think of the Dwarves as well. They would likely not managed to remember such a password." Draco said without hesitation. Legolas smiled down at him, amused, but jovial at the same time.

"You are right. In this, Gandalf overestimates the intelligence of the Dwarves, while underestimating the capability of the elves. It happens quite a bit, unfortunately."  Just like Gryffindors and Slytherins. Gryffindors always seen as greater than they are capable of being, and Slytherins as less than they already are.  Draco thought offhandedly. Than again, Dwarves did seem to have plenty of Gryffindor like qualities, while the elves more Slytherin ones, even Ravenclaw, but not so much Gryffindorian qualities, certainly nothing like the Dwarves. Though Aragorn was one of the few genuine Gryffindors that Draco felt that he could stand. 

"So, you are forcing Gandalf to see the err of his mistakes, by making him realize that the password is so obvious he cannot see it." Legolas smiled.

"Precisely. And you?" Draco sighed, and glanced over, where Gandalf was still having trouble.

"I do not like him." Draco said, with a slight shrug of his shoulders.  "Simple as that. I am sure that he is a decent wizard, but I do not like him, and honestly, that is the only reason." Legolas could not help but he reminded of his Father when the younger gave his answer. Legolas wanted to introduce the two desperately.

Something told him, despite all, that meeting was much closer than he anticipated, or was prepared for.

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