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Legolas calmly entered the room which the King was waiting in. Draco followed, if a bit more hesitantly. He inhaled slowly, and followed Legolas where he went, ignoring the piercing eyes of the King which were set upon him. Draco could feel them boring into his skin and he was unnerved by it. He could not allow such weakness to show, and he therefore ignored the gaze by ensuring his eyes stayed resolutely upon the Prince.

Legolas guided him gently to the chair which was not too far from the King, about halfway down the table, pushing him down with light force and giving him a reassuring smile, before moving elegantly to the chair opposite to him, and besides his father. Draco softly inhaled, attempting to calm his churning spirits.

"It is good to see you. I was not expecting you to come so quickly." Thranduil spoke, his eyes never once having left him. Draco closed his own, keeping his own pair of grey orbs on the polished wood of the table at which he sat. He refused to glance upwards. Keeping his gaze down he attempting to find his voice to respond, doubting that silence was what the King desired, despite his father's own rules which continued to flow through his mind at an agonizingly fast pace.

"It was lucky that I had His Highness to guide me, else I am sure I would have been later than desired." Was what Draco settled for, giving a small smile to the King, and an equally small but much more sincere one to Legolas.

His words were politically neutral. Something he had been taught at a very young age. The ability to speak and answer but remain a neutral party despite his own emotions was something which Draco had long perfected. It was also an art which had served him well time over time. He figured if there was ever a time to use such a skill to his advantage, it would be against the King which sat not 15 feet from his spot.

Legolas hummed, blue eyes sparkling at his answer. The King looked at him in big curiosity, clearly not have expecting such words from him. Draco liked to think that would be a good thing, yet he doubted it severely.

"Well, thank you, Legolas, for aiding our newfound guest." Legolas turned to his father and nodded, calm and collected as he always was.

"It was no trouble, Father." Draco felt as though he was intruding upon something more than just an acknowledgment. There was something about the gaze which the King had when locking eyes with his son.

"Good. I trust your stay has proven..." the King inhaled sharply, tilting his head slightly, drawing out the last word just a little. "Acceptable to your taste." Draco swallowed, very much not happy at the fact which the King was continuing to engage him in conversation. Though, he was well aware that this was the plot which was being set by the one before him. He was simply not thrilled with it.

"Indeed it is more than enough for me, Your Majesty. I thank you for your great generosity." Draco said, finally turning his gaze upon the King, the swirling blue and greys of his eyes striking the electric blue of the Woodland King. He kept his gaze for a few seconds, before once more dropping it down to the table.

"I am glad," the Kimg continued. "I must say, however, I do have a few...questions, should you've inclined to answer." Draco licked his lips nervously, but simply nodded his head in affirmation.

"Whatever Your Majesty would wish to ask, please ask." Draco said simply.

Draco knew he would regret stating such things. He would then feel inclined to answer, even if he had not agreed to answer the questions, simply asked the King to ask. He felt as though he were slowly loosing a battle of some sort. His slytherin instincts were a core part of him and currently they were screaming at him to stand and run away.

But he could not do that. First and foremost being his slytherin instincts also shouting that to be the worst idea in the history of his miserable life. The very split second that he did what he had considered and turned his back upon the King, who knew what would happen. Furthermore, he would be being incredibly disrespectful to literal royalty. Never a good option as far as he was concerned. Royalty meant power, means, and more than enough strength to obliterate him. Then again, Draco stood to reason that the King could easily crush him with one hand.
Second, he had come here at Legolas' accord. The Prince had wanted him here, clearly else he would not have taken the effort to get him agree to accompany him on this journey home if he had not wished him to be at is side. Who was he to refuse a silent plea of such a kind? Draco would not do that. He had, despite the attempts to do otherwise, grown deeply fond of the Elf Prince. He would listen to whatever it is the elder asked of him. Now if what the elder asked was his mere presence, than he would abide by that request. Lastly, where else had he to go? He had no place to call home anymore. He was forced to stay here. Quite literally. Running was simply not a viable option.

"My Son told me that you are quite decent in battle." Draco froze, eyes glancing up at Legolas, flashing between grey and green, before dropping his gaze, inhaling sharply feeling the pain of the air as he forced it down.

"I do believe His Highness perhaps thinks a bit too highly of me, Your Majesty." Draco whispered softly. He kept his gaze on the table, his upper arms tense, but careful to show nothing.

"My son? He thinks highly of no one." The King said simply. As though he were merely delivering facts, rather than opinions.
It was well known, however, that Legolas was known for being extremely critical of combat performances. One would be hardpressed to find a single person which the Elf Prince had praised when it came to fighting.
"Nor," the King continued. "Does he have a penchant for relishing truth." Draco hummed.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, we fought very little on the journey. Furthermore, I have never been trained in the arts of physical warfare. How could I possibly be good at something which I had never been trained in?" Draco spoke quietly, his voice soft, yet gently chiding.

"Be that as it may, I wish to see you." Draco froze, but before he could say another word on the matter, dishes of shimmering wooden polish were placed before them.

Food had been served, and yet Draco felt more than ever as though he were drowning.

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