Part 38

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It was really quite the most ridiculous feeling. There was no reason that he should be in trouble, he had done nothing wrong, and even Legolas had admitted that he was free to wander out of his rooms should he deign to do so. He had not broken any rules that he was aware of and he had been quite sure to obey any of the rules and regulations that he had been given earlier, even if he did not want to. Such as the dinner with the King, and then the fight that the King had wished for him to have with another one of the elves. He would like to say that he was being quite...gracious, when it came down to it. Perhaps there was more to the situation than he was truly aware of, but he had been quite careful not to step on the toes of the elves about him. As such, there was really no reason that he would be in trouble for anything, as he had not even really done anything. He had been very careful as well. There was just something about the tone with which Legolas used that caused him to beeline to him being in trouble for something, even if there was not really any reason for it. He could attribute that to his father. 

"Ah, yes, of course My Lord," Draco said with a small smile, but not quite able to hide the worry in his eyes, so he kept them facing the floor. "I apologize for interrupting your conversation," He stated, in an attempt to at least drive to more familiar grounds, something to relieve the horrid tension that he was currently feeling, yet the girl had merely rolled her eyes and walked off, which Draco personally felt was a bit uncalled for, but he was also not one to question people that had more power than he currently had, so he just bit his tongue and held himself silent. Even if he longed to say something in response to the blithe action, he held himself still waiting for Legolas' talk that he wanted ever so badly to have. 

"It is nothing bad, Draco," Legolas said watching the creature carefully. "I assure you, there is nothing wrong, you have not done anything bad nor are you in trouble for anything. I apologize for not clarifying. Perhaps I should have." Draco closed his eyes fleetingly a look of relief crossing his features swiftly for but a moment before it was gone. 

"That is good, what it is that my Prince wished to speak on?" Legolas seemed a bit flustered, but simply indulged him quietly. 

Draco was aware that, according to Aragorn, not many people tended to use such titles so liberally with the Prince, but, he had to admit, he was not really all that comfortable just calling him by his name. He much preferred the titles. It put a more firm resolve in his mind. Furthermore, a part of him, small as it may be, did enjoy calling the Prince exactly that. Barring that however, he also could not get too taken away with calling the Prince casually. That would be, practically a disaster waiting to happen. He did not really know how it would come to that, but he was sure that eventually it would cause problems down the road. Imagine had he accidentally called the prince so casually in front of the King? He doubted that he would even be standing here. 

Then again, if the King Thranduil did not have some odd sort of fascination with him he would not be standing here in the first place. Draco was not sure if that was a good thing, still. Legolas had even implied that there would be negative consequences to having obtained the interest of the King. Yet, it was not as though he had intended it. It was entirely accidental, well, mostly at the very least. Unfortunately Draco was also of the realization that it is quite possible he would have attracted the King's attention nonetheless, whether he had meant to or otherwise. 

"I was...I have realize that I have been slightly...neglectful, in my duties. I brought you here, and yet, have not even bothered to introduce any but my Father to you. This is a slight on you, and wrong on my part." Draco stared at Legolas as though he were insane. 

"A-A slight, my Lord, I am afraid I do not understand." He admitted, confusion warring in his eyes, though kept from other parts of his face. 

Legolas had realized that Draco's most expressive self was in his eyes. It was difficult for most to hide their emotions when it came to their eyes, but Draco could do so if he truly wanted to, it was mostly when he seemed to have nothing he wanted to hide, or was comfortable enough to not do so, that one could read the emotions he expressed through the icy orbs. Legolas was touched that he felt comfortable enough wtih him to not feel so guarded. 

"I have stated multiple times that I would give you a tour of the palace, but I have neglected doing much barring showing you the Throne room, dining hall, and your rooms. I should be showing you things more clearly, yet in the excitement of being back home, I have failed to do so. This is a definite failure on my part, that I shall attempt to rectify immediately." Draco just blinked at him, not really sure how to explain that it was not that big of a deal. 

Was this because he had stated that he had gotten lost? If so, Draco did not understand why it would seem to be such a big deal. He often got lost in large new places, and it was not as though he had been given a map or anything of the sort. He was stuck wandering about trying to figure things himself. It was fine to an extent, but he did not see why the Prince would down himself so. 

"My Lord, is this...all because I had gotten lost in my attempts to find you?" Draco questioned, seeing the answer in the other's eyes. For an Elf, Legolas was quite young, and far more expressive than some of his friends. "This is not necessary," He stated firmly. "I understand your point, my Lord, but....It is not necessary. My getting lost is my fault, I should have focused more upon where I was going, but I did not. That is no failure on your part but mine." Legolas gave Draco an indulgent smile. 

"Still, I feel as though I have wronged you. Allow me to make it up?" Draco just smiled uncomfortably but nodded. What right did he have to deny?

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