"Harry, someone killed him to threaten Rose," Hermione stated and Harry stared at her in shock. "Where is she?" Harry asked Hermione. "She's in our dorm room," Hermione answered. Hermione led Harry up the stairs to the girls' dorm rooms and into the room she shared with Rose.

Rose sat by the window, staring out as the sun began to set. The sun's reflection lighting up the black lake. "Rose," Hermione said softly and Rose hummed in acknowledgement, but she didn't face away from the window.

Harry walked to his sister and kneeled down next to her. "Rose," Harry said. Rose turned her head to stared at her twin brother. "Someone killed him," She whispered as she looked at Harry, "They said I would be next."

"No one will hurt you. We will find the person who did this Rose, I promise," Harry said taking a hold of Rose's hand. "You're cold," Harry stated once he felt her freezing hand. "Come, let's go and get something to eat," Harry said and pulled Rose up. "I'm not hungry," Rose stated but Harry ignored her and pulled her out of the dorm room.

+Next Morning+

Hermione woke Rose for the new term that was starting. Rose dressed and did her hair, which had hints of blue in them. Here and there, there was a strand that was blue, but she tied her hair in a way that no one would notice it.

Walking down the stairs with Hermione at her side they took notice of the Notice Board.

Walking down the stairs with Hermione at her side they took notice of the Notice Board

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Hermione signed her and Rose's name on it, followed by Ron and Harry. At breakfast Rose sat next to Hermione while Harry and Ron sat a few seats away from them, seeing as Hermione is still not talking to Ron.

Classes continued as normal, after breakfast. During her free period, Rose sat in the library doing her homework. Which wasn't much and seeing as her free period fell just before lunch she decided to walk around outside to get some fresh air.

Harry had another meeting with Dumbledore that night, but Rose knows that even if Harry was talking to her, he wouldn't tell her what he and Dumbledore were meeting about. 

Rose walked along the bridge. She stopped in the middle and leaned against the railing. She looked towards the black lake. She started thinking about Sirius and Padfoot(The Cat). SHe lost them both in a matter of months and that scared her. She was scared and worried about who she might lose next and she didn't want to lose anyone.

+Next day+

Rose entered the potions class and went to her seat. Slughorn started to call for silence. "Settle down, settle down, please! Quickly, now, lots of work to get through this afternoon! " Slughorn said. Rose started to doodle in her notebook. She wasn't in the mood to pay attention to any of her lessons today. She wanted to go back to her dorm and stay there, but unfortunately, she wasn't allowed to skip class.

 The day flew by and Rose was happy that classes were over. She was once again in the library before dinner. Hermione was in there as well. Rose heard her mutter something about Horcruxes.

Rose snuck into the restricted section of the library. Horcruxes sounded like dark magic. SHe found a book in the restricted section and stood near a candle and opened it. She looked at the index and she found the word Horcruxes. Rose traced it with her finger towards its page number and she found out.

She flipped towards the page and started to read.

A Horcrux is an object in which a dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality. Horcruxes can only be created after committing murder, the supreme act of evil. The process for the creation of a Horcrux involves a spell an a horrific act is performed after the murder has been committed. There are usually protective measures made to prevent a Horcrux from being stolen and destroyed. such as COunter- Charms and Jinxes. The Horcrux is considered the most terrible of all dark magic.

Rose wondered why Hermione would be searching about Horcruxes. Maybe it had something to do with Harry's lesson with Dumbledore the previous night. Rose decided to keep that information for herself until Harry tells her what his lessons with Dumbledore are.

Talking but not trusting. That is definitely not how a brother and sister should act towards one another.  Rose wished that Harry would just trust her.

Their Apparation lessons started that day. Rose was excited about learning to apparate over the next twelve weeks. It is a faster way of transport, but also a dangerous one if you don't know where you are going and if you don't know how to do it.

Later that night Rose snuck out of the dorm room to go to the room of requirements. She needed to talk to Draco and she had a feeling that he will be there.

 She paced in front of the door and it appeared. She walked in and she heard Draco's voice, he was busy with the cabinet again. "Draco," Rose said as she approached him. Draco turned around at the sound of her voice.

"Rose," Draco sounded relieved to hear her voice and to see her. He instantly hugged her and Rose hugged back.  "Where have you been? I was worried," Draco says pulling away from her. Rose stayed silent for a few minutes.

"Someone threatened me to stay away from you, they killed my cat," Rose says as she walked towards the couch that was nearby. 

"Why did they threaten you?" Draco asked her as he took a seat next to her. "They told me to stay away from you, and that if I didn't I am next," Rose said looking at Draco.

"Do you know who it was?" Draco asked and Rose shook her head. "I have my suspicions but I would rather not say," Rose said and Draco nodded understanding her reason.

"All right. You need to stay clear of me for a few weeks. It is for your own safety, and Grabbe and Goyle say that they have seen your brother around wherever they are and they suspect that he is looking for me," Draco says and Rose smiled.

"Oh, he is. He wants to know what you are up to, so he uses a map of the school that shows where everyone is at all times to see where you are," Rose says and Draco nodded.

Rose looked at Draco as she stood up and he followed. She leaned up and kissed him on his cheek before she left.

She didn't want to but it would be for both their safety that they are not seen together or near each other. Like Draco suggested.

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