I Overcame High School

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     Just as a quick disclaimer; this story was not created with the intent to scare nor traumatize those who are entering into high school / are currently enrolled. All of the events portrayed below are highly unlikely to happen to you. Also, something important to mention is that, while my blindness isn't all to blame, it certainly played a major role in the downfall of this story.

     There are quite a few reasons I chose to publish this, and none of them include the intent of harm. 

     One, I wanted to celebrate the fact that I survived something I never thought I would with those who perhaps felt the same at some point. Secondly, I wanted to instill hope within those who stand where I have time and time again. And lastly, in correspondence with any other piece of writing I've decided to share, I want to teach others that they are far stronger and resilient than they may realize. Just know that the purpose of my writing is never to stoke pity. I'm extremely thankful for the opportunity to share my story with you, and I hope that you're able to learn a few things I had to learn the hard way. 🙃

     Life has a way of throwing hardships our way that feel impossible to overcome, and the majority of the time; these hardships seem to multiply in the blink of an eye. Some days; it feels impossible to even breathe. I'm not over-exaggerating when I say that high school made it impossible for me to breathe.

    I would also just like to apologize in advance for the possibility of this story being lengthy and seemingly rushed. Out of everything I've written in this book thus far, this is admittedly one of the hardest things I've ever had to write. Every story in here is still all so raw and vulnerable for me, and I'd truly appreciate it if you ignore the cringe that this story is going to contain.

     Note: this story does contain mention of mental illness and other difficult themes, so if you're triggered by said topics, please feel free to click off now. Additionally, if you are currently struggling yourself, please, please, please reach out. I know how difficult it can be, when so many people can't possibly begin to even understand what you're going through; but, at the end of the day, all that matters is that you're heard and safe. I'm here to listen anytime, as well.

     With all that said, let's do this! 

        (I just thought I'd add in a picture from my freshman year, Lol. Doesn't she look happy? Yeah, well. Little did she know that was all about to change, haha.)

     To start things off, I should probably mention that, in addition to the two main high schools in my district, there's another school that students have the option to attend

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     To start things off, I should probably mention that, in addition to the two main high schools in my district, there's another school that students have the option to attend. (We'll refer to it as ST for short.) It's not an alternative school per se, but it is considered to be an alternative to attending either of the larger schools. 

     Given the fact that I was extraordinarily shy and rarely ever spoke up for myself, (I have no idea why I'm speaking in past-tense here. I still am all these things.) it didn't take very long for my mom and I to determine that ST was our best bet. With that said, I immediately sent in an application and essay, in the hopes that I'd get accepted.

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