The Words I Remember Most

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           I guess when it's your normal, it's hard to believe that it's another persons unorthodoxy. What's even more hard to believe is how your normal is my anomaly. I mean, how do you do it? See, I mean. What's it like? How does it feel to have the pribledge of staring up into a starry night sky, or even at your loved ones faces? How do you concentrate when there's oh so much to look at? 

          These are the types of questions I have as a teenager with a severe visual impairment; but, I'm sure you'd be even more curious to know the types of things people have said to me! So, that's exactly what I've come here to do. Here's a list of all the things I've either been told or asked. Not all of these relate to my blindness, but I've decided to add them regardless. I hope that's alright. Hopefully, they can either stun you, or make you laugh. XD

- How do you take a shower? 

- Do you pick out your own clothes?  

- You only get good grades, because the teachers feel bad for you, which is why they give you A's.

- You're too nice. It's really annoying. 

- You can always just use the blind card to get out of trouble.

- You're not allowed to go down the slide. You're the weird, blind girl. 

- You walk like a drunk sailor.

- What do you use that stick for? 

- Why are you so scared? It's just a surgery! I had surgery on my mouth, once.

- How are you online? 

- You're too skinny, and guys don't like that about girls; so, it'll probably be hard for you to find someone. 

- Don't you read... Graille, or whatever?

- Aww. I feel so bad for you. I mean, you're blind.

- How can you see that?!

- Oh, that explains why it takes you so long to text back!

- Oh, okay. I knew something was off about you!

- You need to cuss more!

- How do you watch TV? 

- How do you eat? 

- Aww. Little blind bab.

- You walked all the way up here by yourself?! That's impressive!

- You can't see that?

- It's over there.

- Well, duh! You can't read! 

- Blind people are so stupid! I mean, they can't even open lockers. 

- What's a corneal transplant? 

- Why is one eye bigger than the other?

- Why is one eye closed? Open it!

- Woah!! Is it just the light, or what's wrong with your eye????

- Who brushes your hair? 

- Oh, well I'm sure you can get surgery or something to help.

- Wait! Now, I'm wondering, how do you eat?

- You're quite pretty for someone who's blind.

- You won't make it in college.

- Do you really need a Guide Dog, it seems like you get around just fine.

          What'd you think? Any of them hard to believe?! A lot of these, I don't blame people for asking me. (: Well, i wanna sincerely thank you all for giving my book a chance. I'm gonna be updating regularly, but I'm gonna need help from you, beautiful people! I have a few topics I can touch on, but Imma need your help. Please, feel free to comment down below or message me with ideas, questions, topics, etc. please, don't be shy, cuz' chances are, someone else is wondering the same thing. Thank you so much, again. Hope you're doing well! Oh, and, if you ever wanna talk, message me, anytime! Lots of love! 💙

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